Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fool the you'd be stuck with, yeah it's all about me...

Stolen from Bellarosa, by way of Velma:

I AM: gay, fat and horny.
I WANT: a raise, to loose weight, and more sex.
I WISH: for a cure for AIDS, world peace, and an Asian twinkie with a hairthing in a Speedo.
I HATE: Conservative far-Right Republicans, narrow minds, and stupidity (synonomous, eh?)
I MISS: Amie, Donna and Mark.
I HOPE: my boss retires soon, the Democrats get control of Congress this year, and I meet Freddie soon.
I FEAR: heights, growing old alone, and becoming incapacitated.
I HEAR: less well than when I was younger, my iTunes playing, and of course, voices.
I WONDER: how Bushie got elected twice, if there's an afterlife, and how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop
I REGRET: telling a secret I shouldn't have, not living in the dorms in college, and wasting money
I AM NOT: straight, skinny, or patient with ignorance.
I DANCE: while doing dishes, in the car, and NOT the polka.
I SING: often, passionately, and horrendously.
I CRY: during the Christmas epsiode of 'My So-Called Life', when I'm very frustrated, and when I get laughing too hard.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: listening, working, or sincere.
I MAKE: people laugh, messes, and not near enough love.
I LIKE: strawberries, Toronto, and masturbation.
I THINK: Wal-Mart is evil, footrubs are heaven and Madonna is god.
I WRITE: super-hero stories, a weekly letter to a friend, and horrid poetry.
I CONFUSE: myself, others while driving, and people's pre-conceived notions about gays.
I NEED: to clean, to lose weight and to get my diabetes under control.
I SHOULD: not have eaten all the chocolate today, walk more, and call my friend to see how she and her new daughter are doing.
I START: to much stuff I don't finish, getting on people's nerves over time and my car daily.
I FINISH: other people's sentences, Swedish fish too quickly, and last.

POLT = listening to "Ridiculous Thoughts" by The Cranberries

You always have the ebst view in the room, because the view is not you! - Saffron, Absolutely Fabulous

1 comment:

katarina said...

This is pretty cool. I may have to steal it when I have nothing else to say.