Sunday, April 30, 2006

And a sore throat, I got a wardrobe...

I was gonna write more about Scott earlier (see below), but I didn't feel up to it. My parents have been sick since before Easter. Started as a head cold with dad, and the moved to his chest, and coughing and headaches and crap like that, and then mom got it all. I've been hanging around these past few weeks on several occasions (as any good son does) but I've been fine. I've been chalking it up to being younger, or perhaps in better health, or perhaps the flu shot I got at work last fall. I should have been chalking it up to dumb luck.

I was over at thier place a few hours yesterday. When i got home, later in the evening, my throat got a little scratchy, no big deal. When i woke up this morning, though, the whole left side of my throat was RAW and hurt, and I had a headache. I took some Advil and dayquil and went back to bed for another hour or so. The Dayquil helped quite a bit. And because of that, I didn't really feel like typing too much more than I did.

I hope to knock this outta me before it gets a chance to fully manifest itself. Warm weather colds are THE worst kind. Blech!

On an up note, though, I did find this webpage! Whoo-Hooo! SO that kinda makes up for the whole sick thing, I guess.

POLT = listening to "Lovefool" by The Cardigans

Are we on "Cops" again? - Loretta, Drop Dead Gorgeous

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