Sunday, April 02, 2006

I would try the patience of a saint...

Have I mentioned before that Mama Polt is a saint? Well she is! Today, i took some laundry over to her house so I could get it done. I had mentioned to her previously that if she wanted to get me an Easter gift (which she did each year) she could get me a new cellphone, one with a camera. But in light of the recent incidence with my DVD/VCR, I told her today that I'd like to have a new one of those instead. So we decided to go looking, before I even put the clothes into the dryer.

So off we went. We had plans to visit Target, Circuit City and Wal-Mart, although since the mall closed first, we went there. WE checked at Sears first but then made our way to Radio Shack, primiarily to look at the cellphones, so i could see what they h ad for when i decided to get one. Much to our surprise, they had DVD/VCR's there! And we found one at a good price.

On the way there I had told mom about the incident last night with Ag's DVD/VCR player not opening to accept my DVD, and she said, 'Well, why don't we get her one too? It'll ba a nice Easter present for her also." So we picked up one for her too.

TJ was our helper there. Man, he was something. Really knew his shit about everything we asked him. And did he like to talk? Found out he grew up in the same town we lived in. And he in fact went to the same college I did, albeit a few years later! And he had a such beautiful blue eyes. And a great, intoxicating smile. BUt anyway, while we went to get the players, we checked out the phones. And I found one I really liked. So when he came back I asked him some questions about it (like how do I get the photos transferred from my phone to my computer, and if I could keep the same plan as i have it, etc, etc, etc) he said, since I'd had the phoen over three years, I was eligible for a$150 rebate, right then and there. SO that meant, that I could look at more expensive phones than i had been. And I found another one I realy liked, although a bit more expensive, but with the rebate, about the same price.

I thanked him and said I'd be back some time soon to discuss it. And mom asked if that's the one that i really wanted. Is aid yeah, I'll just come get it in a few weeks when I get my tax refund. And she said, "Nah, I'll get it for you now too." I tried to protest (honest to GOD I did! Stop rolling your eyes!), but when Mama Polt has her mind set on something, there ain't now changing it. So i gave in and she got that too. Which just meant we got to spend more time with TJ, and I got to gaze into his eyes a bit more. Oh and it turns out I have impeccable credit (who knew?), which seemed to impress him somewhat. But nonetheless, we got all the papaerwork signed and stuff, and now I have a new phone and DVD/VCR player!

Why yes, I AM an only child and spoiled rotten, why do you ask?

So on the way out of the mall, we stopped for a soft pretzel and on the way home, we stopped by Rita's for a gelati (hmmm, they play havoc with my blood sugar levels, but i love em!) Oh, and the guy Adam who waited on us at Rita's, damn nice blue eyes as well. not as big as TJ's, but very nice in thier own way. I got home here and took Ag her new player....only to be told that it was working fine now. Bwahahahahaha, what are the chances? Oh well, it just means we get to return it soon and see TJ again. And perhaps another gelati to see Adam at Rita's?

Oh, and here's a photo of my new phone, with the book underneath it, and the cute guy on the books cover.

What that cutie has to do with the phone I've no idea, but I'm glad he's there nonetheless.

POLT = listening to "Stop The World" by Big Big Sun

You realize you're talking to a man with a human head in his hands who has every intention of using it to beat these people to death? - Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority #14


Anonymous said...

Incident with your DVR/VCR? What incident? Not reading a netflix disc isn't usually the player's problem. Some discs just get too many scratches and can't be read anymore by any machines. Did you break the DVD/VCR? Why was a new one required?

Fairy Godfather.

Polt said...

Mark: the problems with the VCR/DVD have been ongoing. There's been numerous DVD's it cant' read, and not just Netflix. There was a 'Crash' DVD a friend loaned me that it couldn't read, and my own X2 it wouldn't read. (strangely, every single porn DVD I put in worked perfectly, go firgure?) It's been happening for like 6 months. And these DVD's play fine in other players. So after all this time and hassle, I jsut decided to get another one. But that one was a good one, lasted me quite some time.

BRAD: Think of the most spoiled rotten kid you can think of. How he would be. now double it, and you've got Polt's level of spoiled-rotten-ness! :) Yeah, Mom and I are tight, and she IS a saint!

And no, that's no Donny Osmond. This is guy much better looking...with a smaller smile. :)

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