Friday, April 28, 2006

Something quite disturbing filled the air...

Two upsetting things (well, for me anyway) about fellow bloggers happened today. Everyday, at work first thing, I'll get online for like 10 minutes, visit most of the blogs I have listed in my sidebar (not the porn ones, silly) and read up on thier posts from the day before.

Today, I went to do this to Fresh N Tasty, as I do every day, and the site was blocked! why was it blocked? PORN! There's not porn on there (at least none that I recall seeing). Hell, my Monday's Hot Shirtless Guy photos are more risque. But now, it's blocked at work. Ya gotta just wonder what made them block that particular blog. And why right then?

Then, I went to one of my favorites Persian Guy and there was nothing. A blank bckground and empty blog. I thought, oh well, Blogger on the rag yet AGAIN, and it'll be back up soon. I went there tonight, and it was the same, but with one post. He was explaining that his ex wife found the blog, and had commented or something, and so he deleted it. the enitre blog.

I was shocked. He had such a richly detailed blog, with wonderful stories about his family history, or perhaps an old movie, or bragging about his two wonderful kids, or complaining about the job, or just how his life was going. It was really a day to day kind of online journal thing, much more so than the blatant superficiality that is mine.

I loved the stories and tales, and felt that I got to "know" Jim, even if only through the comments that we posted on each other's blogs and the posting he made on his own. I can't say I disagree with his reasons for making that decision, but on a personal level, I'm saddened to see it all gone.

Jim, I don't know if you still come here, but if you do, as I said, I understand why you're doing this, and you gotta do what is in the best interest of you and your kids. But on a purely personal, selfish level, I'm gonna miss your regular posts. If you decide to take up blogging again, please, let me know. I'll be checking into the old blog just to see, but if you move somewhere else, I wanna read there too. If you don't, then I wish you the best of luck. You've got my email (remember the one you sent me whilst on your medication from the wisdom teeth?), so please keep in touch.

Even though we never met and I've only been reading your blog for, what, three months maybe, I feel that I've lost a friend, that's how close i felt to you. Just from your posts.

Nonetheless, I wish the absolute best, man. In whatever you do. You are truly a wonderful, caring, beautiful man, insdie AND outside. May fortune shine on you, and the boys.

For those you who never read his blog, it is truly your loss. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about here, then please allow me this moment of self-indulgent selfishness to let a friend know I miss him.

POLT = listening to "One Week" by the Barenaked Ladies

Well you're so fucking special, I wish I was special. But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, what the hell and I doing here? I don't belong here. - Radiohead, Creep


The Persian said...

I've been out of the loop the last couple days. You really made me feel so incredible when I saw this post. I don't know what to say but thank you so much buddy for your kind words and support.


oh and I am going to try and keep going with this, who knows.

Polt said...

Yeah! Jim's staying with the blogging! Great to have you back, man! And HUGS back atcha!

And Brad, I'm just tickled pink (quite a sight to see, I assure you) to know he's still gonna be around! He's such a great guy!