Tuesday, April 25, 2006

You're a headache, in a suitcase, you're a star...

Lately, over the past three or four weeks or so, I've been plagued by sinus trouble. I had a sinus infection each of the last two years, and I thought this was that as well. It wasn't. I have allergies to cats, and mown grass, and dust (not that you'd believe that if you saw my apartment), and have for some time. But with those, it's watchery itchy eyes, sneezing, sometimes wheezing when I breathe. It's not the headaches i have been getting. Which really suck.

This morning, when the alarm went off, it felt like my right eyeball was gonna pop right outta my head, there was so much pressure. I got up and took a Claritan, which helped previously. I thought I might just try getting ready and seeing if I felt better after I got ready for work....

And then, I thought, ya know, fuck em. They don't wanna give me a raise, I don't wanna give them a day's work when I don't feel well. So I called in and went back to bed. And it's a good thing I did, cause I got up about 900, and about 1130, and my head was still hurting. I went back to bed each time after using the bathroom, and didnt get outt abed for good until about 230. Yeah, i know it was a wasted day, but I really don't think I could have gone to work anyway.

When I did get up, I did feel better, the headache had subsided. I guess I have little recourse now but to make an appointment with the doctor (groan) and see what he says about it all.

But I'm just glad I now feel better.

POLT = listening to "Young Americans" by David Bowie

It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it. - George W. Bush


Anonymous said...

I deal with horrible allergies to. I have since I was a kid. Basically I take over the counter meds to try to relieve them. When I was a kid it was the weekly shot. Of course, I hated it.


m_o_o_nspells said...

Yup, I feel for you on the allergies front too...I'm a cat-lover (and owner) who is allergic to CATS...and dust and mold etc. Sounds like I'm the biggest doofus going, but it really isn't a big problem until allergy season when all the OTHER allergies kick in. I'm mostly immune to my own cats except once the allergies get going.
And about the sick day...good for you! I used to be overly conscientious about that too but in the end, you have to look out for you 'cause your company CERTAINLY won't. I'm not saying slack off, of course, only that if you really don't feel well, you probably aren't going to be very effective anyway. And you obviously aren't earning any brownie points by killing yourself to get in there, by the looks of it...
Glad you feel better...but don't be a stereotypical guy...go to the doctor! ;o)

Polt said...

I've allergies before, but only when I've been around the things that cuase them. This stuff seems to come and go as it pleases. I don't know what's triggering it, therefore I don't know how to stop them. It bites!

And, yes, mom, I'll try to remember to make an appointment with the doctor. :)