Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's the new generation I want to do...

Since I got up so late today, and didn't go to work, I watched some TV. ANd I managed to catch a two part Star Trek The Next Generation episode.

It was "Best Of Both Worlds" where Picard is captured and turned into a Borg. Man, I remember when these episodes first aired. It was like the last episode of the Third Season and we had to wait until the first episode of the Fourth Season that fall for the ending.

I was watching that episode with my neighbor and friend Jeff. And when Locutus threatened the Federation, at the very end, the camera panned down and into Rikers face so that it was looking up into his face, and the tense music reached a cresendo, and he said, simply, "Mr. Worf, fire." And the screen went black!

Jeff and I both yelled NOOOOO at each other! We didn't want to wait until the fall! That episode is allwe could talk about for weeks. Man, THAT was TV at its best! If you saw the episode at the time, I'm sure you know the feelings I'm talking about. Seeing it in reruns or on DVD just doesn't carry the same weight.

I was suprised though, to see it was made in 1990. I can't believe it's been 16 years since then! Geez, time DOES fly!

POLT = listening to "Can't Get There From Here" by R.E.M.

Laura and I really don't realize how bright our children is sometimes until we get an objective analysis. - George W. Bush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow...16 years. I do remember that..that was the longest wait to the fall ever. God I'm a dork..I blame you. Hope all is well