Thursday, April 13, 2006

Love, you drive me to distraction...

Current polls suggest that the Democrats could take one or both houses of Congress this November, acquiring the ability to launch investigations backed by subpoena power. This could blow the lid off multiple Bush administration scandals. Political analysts openly suggest that an attack on Iran offers Mr. Bush a way to head off this danger, that an appropriately timed military strike could change the domestic political dynamics.

You read it here first. I got this from here, and I have no doubt its true. This administration will hang onto power with their last fingernail. Hell, we already know they lie (about WMD's), the cheat (declassifying the Plame docs for release to the media) and they steal (all that money going back to the obscenely rich in tax breaks, while the poor in New Orleans can't even get a bottle of water dropped to them), why is hard to believe they'd attack another country and risk soldier's lives for nothing but political self-serving reasons (it's just what they've done in Iraq).

So expect it, some sort of attack against Iran before early November. Probably after Labor Day, because voters don't really start paying attention to the election until after then anyway.

So, that means, but September or October we'll be at war with three nations. How did we ever let ourselves get to this point? (hint = stupidity and apathy might have something to do with it.)

POLT = listening to "Peace On Earth" by U2

I like you guys who want to shrink the size of the government so that's it's just big enough to fit into our bedrooms! - Josh Lyman, The West Wing

1 comment:

Polt said...

what does Bushie care? he's got a pack with God, dontcha know? he can do no wrong, because the LORD told him He put Bushie there. I mean, it's what Bushie said to the LaHaye Bible thumper in his first term!!!! He actually believes he's on a mission from God!!!

If it weren't real, it'd make a great horro flick, eh?