Thursday, April 27, 2006

Problems have solutions, a lifetime of fucking things up...

So, oil companies are charging too much for gas, and making obscene profits by gouging the American consumer at the pump, and what is Congress going to do about it? Are they going to go after the oil companies? Are they going to perhaps investigate a monopoly by the companies? How about checking into why all the prices from all the oil companies go up the same amount at the same time? Price fixing anyone?

Will they do that? HELL No. What will the do instead? Well, we're gonna give Americans a $100 check, and we're gonna give a 2 month "tax free" holiday, meaning no Federal Taxes on gas for 2 months. WTF?

$100??? Oh yeah, thanks a LOT, that'll fill upmy tank, what 3 times or so? So I'm good for a month. WHy is it instead of going after the PROBLEM (the greed of the oil companies), they're going to balloon the already monsterous deficit by reduce the revenue they bring in and taking MORE out of the budget for these stupid 100 checks!

Where are the fiscal Republicans now? Wasn't a part of the Republican Contract ON America in 1994 about getting a balanced budget and cutting the deficit???? Course, I guess you only want to do that when you're the minority party. When you're in power, hell, bely up to the trough like all the other pigs and eat your fill of money and pork! I mean, it's not THIER money, now is it? And they've all got money to begin with, so they're not going to be hurt when time comes to pay this unGodly deficit they've given us!

LORD, this crap torques me off! I hope the American public wakes up! I don't hold high hopes, cause the American public is short sighted and stupid, but hopefully in November, things will change!

POLT = listening to "Stand" by R.E.M.

Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman have stood the test of time without armor, without bazookas, without veined biceps the size of cannons. - Mark Waid


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the $100.00 check was a add on to a bill that supports drilling in Alaska Wildlife Refuge. Now I know alot of people don't care about an area that the only thing that is there are animals but drilling there can cause much more damage to the enviroment. Lord knows we have messed it up enough already.
How sneaky is that the Republicans added this $ 100.00 check on to this bill. I guess they think we are stupid. Now if the check was coming from the oil companies I will take it but I don't want it if I end up paying for it which I will one way or another...

Polt said...

Aggie, you never cease to amaze me! I was gonna post an addendum about the drilling thing, and here, you beat me to it. WHo knew you kept up with it that much??? I always thought all that political ranting and raving I did was just something you tolerated when you were around me. Who KNEW you actually paid attention? And read up on political stuff yourself!

Whatta woman!

Anonymous said...

Yes your ranting and raving of things political can be painful sometimes. You should know me by now if it has anything to do with endanger animals I am there...
Hell aren't u the one who laughs at me when I cry over a movie where an endanger gorilla is killed by poachers. Hey Republicans are like poachers they come in and kill everything and everyone and then wonder why everyone is upset...