Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hidden behind the idols you adore...

Queen week on American Idol, this has the potential to be something heavenly or something hellish.

Bucky (Fat Bottomed Girls) No hat, his looked very fine, me likey Bucky's hair. Pretty damn good performance actually, considering it was Bucky. I was kinda surprised. Not the best performance of the night, but very good for Bucky.
Ace: He's been feeling it all week? Hell I'd feel him all week, and then another week just to be sure! (We Will Rock You) WTF???? This is NOT the right song for Ace! It was a horrible choice, and a very sub standard perfromance. On the upside, they did show his twin three times. Honestly, and you know how this pains me to say it, this may be the final week for Ace. Course, he WAS wearing leather pants, so that may make a difference.
Kellie: Oh God NO! Not Pickler doing Queen! One thought: TRAIN WRECK! (Bohemian Rhapsody) This song is like 8 minutes long, WAAY too long for AMerican Idol! And it's clearly out of her range. What the hell was she thinking??? Oh and that outfit...reminds me of Pinky Tuskadero from Happy Days...and that's NOT a good reminder. Her voice doesn't have the depth to perform this. She should have picked a song more suited to her. Was she drunk?
What the hell??? A ROCKER CHICK? Is Paula drunk again? Simon agreeing it wasn't hideous?? Is Simon drunk??? ("Huh, on PAY-per? It's his ACHE-scent, I can't understand him" Oh, Kellie girl, even blondes that truly are dumb and not THIS dumb!)
Chris (Innuendos) Never heard this song before. That's a disappointment, as I was expecting him to rock out to some great Queen standard. Simon was right, he SHOULD have chosen a different song. Nonetheless, he DID sing the HELL out of it! He's got Rock Star written all over him: the clothes, the voice, the look in his eyes, the shaved head, the stage presence, the 'tude, whether he wins this contest or not, he'll be one of the most successful contestants ever. But they showed his WIFE??? he's married. ....damn.....
Katharine (Who Wants To Live Forever) Never heard this song before either. She started out great, I was actually gonna say something positive about her. And then...oh, then, she got all into that screeching, banshee scream thing she does, and totally lost me. I had to cover my ears. She tried waaaay too hard, and was off at times. This is possibly the worst performance I have ever seen her give. (the judges MUST be drunk)
Elliott (Somebody To Love) He's NEVER HEARD THIS SONG BEFORE??? And he's been a DJ???? Good God, how is that possible??? musta not been a very good one. At any rate, he looked scared and uncomfortable. And the singing, oh Freddie must be spinning in his grave.There was so much wrong with this I can't even write about it. Why is this guy still here?
Taylor (Crazy Little Thing Called Love) He really shouldn't dance. 'Shake all over like a jellyfish' inDEED! I just kept hoping he'd trip over his feet and land flat on his face. The singing was probably the best I've heard form him so far, and he obviously was enjoying himself. But Simon was right, he was ridiculous. Like a drunk staggering through a karoke contest.
Paris: (Show Must Go On) She looks about 10 years older than she is, although the outfit is a bit too Dominatrix for me. And those stilletos look like they'd hurt. But DAMN can she sing! She's got a voice to handle nearly any song by Freddie Mercury, her power and range are phenomonal for a 16 year old! Without a doubt, hers was the best performance of the night.

So, predictions for tomorrow: either Elliott or *sigh* Ace goes home. How sad I will be. Hopefully NO one will be drunk tomorrow. And if they perform like this next week, I might have to be drunk myself.

POLT - listening to "Sandstorm" by Darude

Any date that ends with me projectile vomiting definately shouldn't count, right? - Black Canary, JSA #21

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