Saturday, April 22, 2006

Rehearsed those words just late last night...

SO last night, Ag and I had an evening together. I had had another crappy day at work (see below) and on the way home I called her. She ordered food from Domino's that I went to pick up. And then she came up and we ate, she a pizza, me the BBQ buffalo wings! I also got a pint of Cherry Garcia ice cream...I'm not usually one for ice cream, but yesterday, i NEEDED it. Ag brought up some caramel chocolates. And we ate, and commiserated with each other over our respective problems. It was a comforting night.

We also stumbled upon Prom Queen on Logo. I had wanted to see this movie, as I remembered reading about it when it happened. (gay boy wants to take his boyfriend to his Senior Prom at a Catholic High School. Goes to court, and wins! Only in Canada. Yet another reason I love the Great White North)

It was a cute little film. Pretty light and fluffy actually, not a lot of depth or heaviness too it. It reminded me of a "movie of the week", but I enjoyed it anyway. Not only was the subject matter of interest to me, BUT, there were so many people in it I knew! Aaron Ashmore, the star, is the twin of Shawn Ashmore, Iceman from the X-Men movies who I met in Toronto a few years ago (I'll tell that story a bit later). There was Trevor Blumas, playing his friend, Trevor is, according to many sites I've found on the Internet, Hayden Christensen's boyfriend! (and if it's on the Internet, it HAS to be true!). there were two of the Kids In The Hall: Dave Foley and Scott Thompson. There were several cute guys with hairthings running around. And the best part for me, and I think for Ag as well, it was filmed in and around Toronto, and they showed the skyline driving into Toronto, AND they filmed on Church Street, the heart of the gay ghetto! Man, it was awsome! Ag and I both recognized where they were walking!

Man, i miss Toronto...

Oh, and at the end, when he opens the door, and sees his boyfriend in a tux waiting outside (after he thought the boyfriend wasn't going) Ag and i both clutched the pearls and went "Aww!" And a bit later, when his dad, who was not good with words, told him he was proud of him, oh, I HAD to get the tissues...for Ag AND me! God, I am such a fag sometimes!

Buffalo wings, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, Ag's companionship, a movie with long haired twinks that shows parts of Toronto...what else MORE could I ask for? It was just what the doctor ordered to help counter the last few days.

POLT = listening to "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" by Pink Floyd

Hockey's great! you get to hurt guys and people clap! - DJ, Roseanne


toobusyliving said...

Just stumbled upon your'll have to visit Toronto soon!

Polt said...

God I canNOT wait to get back there...but probably not until the fall...if then...

SIGH...I LOVE Toronto!

Polt said...

Not only have I seen it, Brad, but I own Get Real. It is a great movie. I think that Beautiful Thing, though, is better. But I do really like Get Real as well.