Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Save what's left, for the deaf...

Tone Deaf Tuesdays

Well, kids, Testicular Tuesdays with Johnnie has been a little....intermittant, may we say? I will surely post any here that he sends me, but he's been busy, what with the semester ending at grad school and being rejected by chicks and stuff. But i wanted to have another regular feature (got one for every day but Saturday) on Tuesdays, just in case something comes up with him that he can't get me one (which is shameful, i mean it's not like i ask a lot from him. I slave day after day over a hot computer to put this together, and all I ask is one hting a week! [ok, i'll quit the guilt trip now]).

I think what I'm going do in this is detail a memory I have of a particular song. I don't know how interesting it will be (but then, how interesting is Frenchin Fridays or Superhero Sundays, eh?), but I've been thinking a lot lately about memory and songs, so i'll put it all down here.

"Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin

I think this song is their best, even though most people like Stairway To Heaven better. At any rate, the memory I always associate with this song and think of every time I hear it is as follows:
18 years ago, I delivered pizzas for Domino's Pizza. After we'd close the store down at 100am (or 200 on weekends) we clean up and then a lot of the times, a group of us would head over to the manager's apartment. There, we'd sit around, talk, bitch, drink, watch Nick At Nite, some of us smoked things other than cigarettes (although not yours truly...I had that experience in college and was over an done with it by then) and just generally had a good time. usually, we'd hang around there until about 800 or 900 am, getting all trashed and then head home for a few hours of sleep, before reporting back for work, sometimes at 1100 am, sometimes not til 400pm. (amazingly, only ONCE was I too hung over to report for work the next day. And I worked there about a year and participated in the above mentioned scenario countless times. Ah, youth!)

So anyway, I remember one occasion, when I had had...well, way too much to drink, and was pretty much on the verge between feeling really good, and being totally out of it. WIlliam the manager had his stereo playing in one of the rooms and had these two floor speakers. They were just boxes, not real huge or anything. Well, I don't even remember how or why I ended up this way, but I distinctly remember laying on the floor in front of the stereo, both of the speakers pulled out on plaed on either side of my head, just inches from my shoulders, with Kashmir playing out of them. And every time the song ended, I'd reach up and hit the button to make it replay. God only knows how long I did this. Coulda been minutes, coulda been hours. I remember singing along sometimes, even the howls, and moans and screams. I remember some people singing along with me at one point.

hey, I didn't say these would be really cool, fantastic memories, that would keep you on the edge of your seats or nothing, ya know? They're just memories I have.

And, I guess if anyone else has any memories like this of any song I mention, send it to me in a comment. I'd love to hear about others.

POLT = listening to "Long Time" by Boston

Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything. - Frank Dane

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