Monday, April 03, 2006

I got the hook-up, hook it up...

Finding and buying (or having bought for you, as the case may be) a new DVD/VCR player is not the hard part. Hooking it up is. I suppose I could hook things like this up, I just don't want to. Previously, in a similar circumstance, I played the 'mechanically-retarded-homosexual' card, and Ghostie did it for me. BUt I didn't think he'd fall for that again. So that left only one option:

Come up with a different plan, and then call Ghostie!

And that's what I did. I called Ghostie to invite him over to watch Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network. We both love Harvey Birdman, and Robot Chicken, and ATHF. And after he accepted, I mentioned hooking up the new DVD/VCR. He called me a bastard and said I tricked him, but laughed as he did so, and said he'd be over to do it a bit later.

When he arrived he had a small box of homemade Easter candy from his mom. SHe's great.

Ghostie has an older sister, and we've both told him we're gonna get married one day (how we'll work out the me-being-a-meat-eater-her-being-a-vegan-member-of-PETA thing, I don't know), cause it would be a blast AND it would freak Ghostie the hell out! (Colleen, if you're reading this, you ROCK!) But I told him to thank his mom, and tell her I think she'll make a great mother-in-law one day.

SO while Ghostie hooked it up, I helped him...but staying totally out of his way. I took a shower and then sat on the couch. I did offer to get him a drink, as I'm a rockin host, but he declined. Once he had it hooked up, we put in "Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle" as that's the DVD I've been trying to watch since Thursday.

Ghostie whined about not wanting to watch it, but I heard him laughing at time during it. The movie's okay. It verges into stupidity and unbelievablility at times, but otherwise, I was laughing throughout. Oh and Neil Patrick Harris plays himself in a very un-Doogie Howser like part. And Christopher Meloni is totally unrecognizable, but really funny. Overall, a thumbs up.
After the movie, we watched some of Adult Swim, and then I thanked him for helping a helpless homo, and I kicked Ghostie out at 130am, so I could go to bed. .

A good weekend, in total, methinks.

POLT = listening to "She-Bangs" by Ricky Martin

Be as straight as you want to, be as gay as you want to. -Prozzak, Be As


The Persian said...

OH NO u are not listening to She Bang, that song brings back bad bad memories.

Harold & Kumar is hysterical, awesome flic.


Polt said...

Yes, I was listening to She-bangs. I have my iPod library set on random, so it just switches form song to song, and whatever song I'm listening to when I end a post is what I put there. Dont know if I would choose to listen to She-Bangs, but it's on random, so whatcha gonna do?

Verification word: sqsibve