Friday, April 07, 2006

I don't need a support system...

WASHINGTON - The White House on Friday declined to challenge assertions that President Bush authorized the leaks of intelligence information to counter administration critics on Iraq.
But Bush’s spokesman, Scott McClellan, appeared to draw a distinction about Bush’s oft-stated opposition to leaks. “The president would never authorize disclosure of information that could compromise our nation’s security,” Bush’s spokesman said.

I he would then leak something that did NOT compromise our nation's security, is that what he means? Hmmmm....

Court papers filed by the prosecutor in the CIA leak case against I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby said Bush authorized Libby to disclose information from a classified prewar intelligence report. The court papers say Libby’s boss, advised him that the president had authorized Libby to leak the information to the press in striking back at administration critic Joseph Wilson.

Using classified information to get back at someone saying things you don't like...maybe not compromising our nation's security, but how moral, upstanding, family-value-ish, and Christian is THAT???

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., citing Bush’s call two years ago to find the person who leaked the CIA identity of Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, said the latest disclosures means the president needs to go no further than a mirror.

Geez, if the man had been this fiesty two years ago, we might not still be stuck with this lying crook in the Oval Office.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said the president has the “inherent authority to decide who should have classified information.” The White House declined to comment, citing the ongoing criminal probe into the leak of Plame’s identity.

There we go, I was waiting for some official to say he has every right to do it, just like he has every right to approve illegal wiretapping of American citizens. Does Bushie remember he's president and not dictator? BUt I guess this is the tidbit of info Limbaugh, O'Reilly and thier ilk were looking for to snatch onto and cling to like drowning people to a life vest.

The prosecutor’s court papers offer a glimpse inside the White House when the Justice Department launched a criminal investigation of the Plame leak in September 2003. Libby “implored White House officials” to issue a statement saying he had not been involved in revealing Plame’s identity, and that when his initial efforts met with no success, he “sought the assistance of the vice president in having his name cleared,” the prosecutor stated.
The White House eventually said neither Libby nor Karl Rove had been involved in the leak. Rove remains under criminal investigation.

Hmm, so knowing he's done wrong, Libby tries to get out from under it. What he DOES get is another lie, stating he wasn't involved. Using a lie to cover up another lie. Isn't it a sin to lie? How does the big ole Christian Bushie justify this. And how do his Far Right, Religious Radical Christian Conservative supporters justify it...and thier continued support of him?

POLT = listening to "Get Together" by Madonna

Man is the only aniaml with a sense of humor - and a state legislature. - Samuel Butler

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