Saturday, April 01, 2006

Saturday night, get down deeper and down...

Tonight was an interesting night, that may or may not have including, in no particular order, the following:

- Ag bringing and cooking the meal, consisting of steak, fries, corn, and Pepsi,
- having Cadbury caramel eggs, and chocolate frosted bunny cookies for desert,
- hearing about the benefit of taking your taxes to Jackson Hewitt (owing $150 bucks instead of $1500)
- drinking a Molson Ice while downloading Internet porn,
- Watching the latest Harry Potter movie on DVD (and marveling over the cuteness of Cedric, the hotness of Victor, and both of us being quite pleasantly surprised at how well Ron's growing up),
- sharing a bottle of Martini & Rossi Asti,
- attempting to watch "Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle" ont he second Netflix DVD, and having MY DVD player refuse to read it,
- taking above mentioned DVD to Ag's apartment 18 steps below me (with glass of Asti in hand) to attempt to watch it there,
- Ag's DVD player breaking by refusing to open the DVD drawer,
- threatening to walk the above mentioned DVD right over to my parent's house (with glass of Asti still in hand, and wearing just socks on my feet) to see if it worked there,
- attempting to take the screw out of Ag's DVD player to see what's wrong inside, and having one screw refuse to be removed,
-watching Ag smash her fist down loudly on her DVD player (not that it improved the situtation, but I'm sure it released some frustration),
- washing the dishes, while Ag dried them,
- leaving Ag's DVD player still not working and returning up the 18 steps to my apartment to catch the end of a Law & Order: SVU episode,
- Channel surfing and bitching about the lack of anything to watch on the 500 channels I have,
- having to rub Ben Gay on my sore neck, caused probably by 1)sleeping on it wrong or 2)too much time online,
- missing three calls from Freddie by being out of the apartment and not having my cell phone with me,
- bitching about my last couple days at work,
- talking about a sofa shaped like a VW(?),
- having it take Ag twice as long to check her email at my computer as it would have had she gone down to her apartment and checked,
- having some Asti left over, but no way to really re-cap it, so I wrapped the end in saran wrap and tied a twist tie around the end,
- being thrilled to find two chocolate frosted bunny cookies stuck together, thus making them look like they were mating...and then giggling stupidly about it.

Boy, howdy, so WE know how to have a rocking good time, eh?

POLT = listening to "Voo Doo" by Rachel Sweet

Well, you know, when nature calls you have to pick up the phone and say, "Hello, I...I got your message. I've got a package for you." - Animaniacs

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