Thursday, April 20, 2006

The day after fear, Jesus (part 2)...

Please scroll down and read the post immediately before this one. That's the first part. This is the second part. Read that one first. Unless you want to read things out of order. Whatever floats your boat, man.

So I drove to meet my friend for lunch. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. About 80, cool breeze blowing, next to no humidity. I had the car windows down, the iPod plugged in and I was jamming, to Madonna, R.E.M., the B-52's, and a number of gay anthem dance tunes! And i saw many interesting sights along the way: two hot guys on bikes with no shirts on; several batches of sweaty shirtless roofers; a hot redheaded college guy, jogging in tight shorts and a wife beater, oh YEAH, breathtaking views!

Anyway, I met my friend and we ate lunch. I had an awesome chef's salad. He had an good looking Greek Salad. I had a strawberry dacquri (I felt I was entitled) and he had, I forget what he had, but it too was alocholic.

Anyway, while we ate, he told me a few things. 1) he took up smoking again (tsk tsk tsk). And worse, 2) he's going to be moving out of the area, permanently. That sucks. I mean, I totally understand his reasons and totally agree with them. It is the right thing for him to do under his circumstances. But, he'll be leaving.

Anyway, afterwards, we went to Pinchot State Park. It was absolutely beautiful. A large lake. Wooded areas with trails. We found a bench at the point of a little penisula and sat there and talked and enjoyed the day. It was very serene and relaxing and calming. he had been wrestling with a few things as well lately, so I think this visit to this place did a both some good. It was truly a rejuvenating experience for me. Got a little sun burnt, but not much. And if I add it to the sun burn I got on Easter Sunday, i MAY actually get a little tan...although I'm not holding my breath.

After this, I drove home, going 75 on Route 15, a no-no I know, but hell, I was loving the music and the wind and the speed, and whatver. I made it home in a little over an hour. Which I'm told is pretty good time. I've got a few photos as well for the park.

This is my friend, Manny. See the cigarette? tsk, tsk. Let's concentrate on the view behind him, the lake and all, and not the cig, eh?

This is, of course, me. See, I'm a little pink there already. And that's the lake and woods behind me.

And me again. Manny insisted on taking another. You can't see the geese behind me. I was afraid they'd attack us, as I've heard geese do. yes, I DO worry about the stupidest things. oh, over on the far right of the photo, just out of the picture is the little penisula where we found a bench and sat for the majority of the time.

This is another photo of the lake. The pictures do NOT do justice to just how incredibly relaxing the whole place is.

And here's a photo of some of the trails we walked. I wish I had gotten a photo of the little bench, or the view from the bench at the penisula, but I didn't think of it. *SIGH* stupid me again.

Oh, and once I got home, I got a call from my friend about the card-sent-to-the-wrong-address-deal. He called the ex, and the ex was cool about everything. They talked, no drama, and they're going to meet tomorrow, just to give the cards to whom they belong.

SO, after getting fucked over for a pay raise, riling up a friend's ex, and finding out another friend is leaving, I had a walk in a peaceful serene place of nature, and now, feel....okay. About everything. Not happy, but I'm dealing with it. And getting by. And after the last day and a half, I think that's all I can expect.

Tomorrow HAS to be a better day.

POLT = listening to "Ode To My Family" by The Cranberries

Do not presume to lecture me on the hardships homosexuals must bear. No one knows them better than I. For while I am not inclined to discuss my sexuality with people for whom it is none of thier business, I am gay. - Northstar, Alpha Flight #106


The Persian said...

yikes you sound stressed buddy! Take it slow and easy now.. great pictures! :) How was that 6 piece? I haven't had KFC in aaaages.


Polt said...

The KFC was satisifying, and not just on a food level (comfort food, dontcha know).

I was, and am sort still, stressed. But I'm doing better each day.

You outta have a little KFC, not good to deprive oneself.