Monday, May 08, 2006

All the cats are all creeping out...

Given my well known, not about...hatred! My hatred of cats, when I saw this on JP's blog I just HAD to copy it over here! It came from Brain Salve, JP's blog, and it's right on the mark!

Dear JP,
"Do you really hate cats so much that you feel that you need to drown, eviscerate, flog, chase, pelt, taunt, torment and antagonize them? What gives?”
No sense of Smell

Dear NSoS,
I would very much love to tell you that in fact it’s all a joke. All cats should feel free to roam free and stalk whatever ball of yarn they deem fit, but in all honesty, I can’t do it. Those ungrateful smarmy little allergen bags serve no purpose. God wants you to hate cats. If he didn’t, he would have arranged it so that cat’s piss would smell like freshly baked cookies; which it doesn’t. Cats are of the devil, yes t’is true. They have enslaved you NSoS and now they have you going around waiting on them hand and foot, serving them, making sure that their every whim is catered to, and yet you’re thankful. Thankful for what? What are you getting other than anaphylactic shock and toxoplasmosis? Trust me, you could get the same support system from a bag of broken glass. Get a dog, at least you know they give a rat's ass when you get home from work.

I could NOT have said it better JP! Bravo!

POLT = listening to "Talisman" by Air

There is a magic generated by money given for lust. - Sandman #45


Anonymous said...

Now I am furious. I have a cat, and sure he hates me most of the time, but he does love me when I feed him.


Polt said...

I fully expected some nasty replies to this one. I expect Mark will put one up too. I can't speak to your cat, Onanite, but Mark's cats were decent animals. Chase was alwasy fun, and Spencer spoke to you when you talked to him, and Raleigh, once he got to know you warmed up to you. Zorba, I never really got to know, but he was fun as a kitten.

But cats, I don't know...they suck as pets, they're more like roommates that have no jobs and mooch off of ya. And then, on the other hand, there's not enough meat on 'em to bother eating them.

I'm not saying all cats are bad. Just most. They can't help it. That's what they are. Like Republicans.

m_o_o_nspells said...

Nothin' more to say on that...

*Goes home and hugs her kitties*

The Persian said...

Cats can be little monsters at times, but see if you have a litter box that is maintained you never have to worry about the smell of cat pee. My main issue with my cat is her devious tendency to climb up and knock things down (shattering them on more than one occasion). Let's not even go into what they can do to furniture, drapes, walls, rugs...ugh

I still love cats :)