Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Preacher, we smell the lie on your breath...

Ya gotta just love this! This is from the latest issue of The Advocate . I don't know how well you can see or read the below photo, so allow me to explain. Apparently, over Easter weekend, 5 gay guys were enjoying brunch in a Virginia country club, and eating nearby was Pat Robertson, the rabidly anti-gay preacher who blamed gays and lesbians for 9/11. Anyway, they persuaded him to take a photo with them.

SO not only is ole Pat in a photo with 5 gay men, but he's part of their gay rainbow of t-shirts!

BWAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! Love it, love it!

POLT = listening to "Rollover DJ" by Jet

Beware of all new enterprises that require new clothes. - Henry Thoreau


The Persian said...

I always believed that those who protese their homophobia too much have something they wish to hide, and i guarantee that freak was dreaming of the guy in the light blue shit all night long :)

Polt said...

Oh I'd be dreaming of the guy in the light blue shit (heheh) all night as well!

Or the red Coca-Cole shirt.

Or the grey shirt.....

Or hell ANY of them! :)