Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Running through the mini mall in my underwear...

You guys never stop surprising me. I didn't really think the Star Trek blogpoll would get many responses, but man, I got 17 votes in about a week! It takes me three or four weeks sometimes to get just 10 votes! Good going!

The results are as follows:
Star Trek: The Next Generation - 9
I Do Not Like Ane Star Trek - 5 (I don't understand THESE people)
Star Trek: The Original Series - 2
Star Trek: Voyager - 1 (hey, Manny!)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 0
Star Trek: Enterprise - 0

So, I'm going a little more risque on this blogpoll. It's for the guys, but ladies can vote as well. I'm asking the guys, what type of underwear they are wearing RIGHT THEN! Ladies, you can vote on what your man is wearing. And ladies, if you don't have a, what type of underwear would you like a guy you had to be wearing RIGHT THEN? Or, um, hell, just vote with what you're wearing, if you wanna. Like, I'm gonna know?

POLT = listening to "Finally" by Ce Ce Peniston

To be of any use at all, nude pictures should be tasteless and cheapening for everyone concerned. - Simon Gage

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