Friday, May 26, 2006

Never been an oyster so divine...

I went to see X3 with several friends this evening. I'll post on the movie itself probably tomorrow. But something even better than the movie occured. It appears that David Franceschina, Mr. Steven Furry himself, Mr. Republican, Mr. "How's-That-Howard-Dean-Thing-Going-For-You-Now?", Mr. "I Love America, and You Are All Communists", Mr. "I like George Bush", Mr. Rub Your Nose In The Democrats Loss, THAT David Franceschina, in November of 2004 cast his vote for John Kerry.


Oh the irony of this is SO divine! This type of irony is like a fine wine, it needs to be enjoyed very slowly to be fully appreciated, and done so over a long, long time. This little tidbit of knowledge, which was a well guarded secret from me for a year and a half, is just TOO delicious to NOT comment on. And too sublime to NOT remind Mr. David Franceshina of it on a semi-regular basis.

Believe me, one and all, I will not soon let you OR Mr. David Franceschina forget this. I shall remind you periodically. I'd remind you CONSTANTLY, but I fear I'd lose some readers. If only you all knew Mr. David Franceschina, you could appreciate this more. I'm certain those of you that do know Mr. David Franceschina can fully appreciate all of this. And you're probably all laughing along with me.

Don't worry, David, we all still love you. Just make sure you know where all those stones are in front of your glass house, 'kay, pumpkin?

Oh revenge is SOOO tasty sometimes.

POLT = listening to the sound of my own satisfaction, and Mr. David Franceschina's groaning, even though he lives 25 minutes away from me

Making someone gay is exhausting. I don't know how my mother did it! - Jack, Will & Grace

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