Monday, May 29, 2006

Must have crashed his little airplane....

Last week, I was at a party. A friend of mine was there, he's a teacher. We were talking about movies:

Teacher: Hey have you heard about that new movie coming out with Samuel Jackson? It's called Snakes On A Plane.
Polt: I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it.
Teacher: If you know the title, you know the plot. there's snakes on this plane that's in the air, and they get lose.
Polt: (laughin) crazy. Just crazy. And stupid.
Teacher: No, what's crazy is that my kids have already adopted it as a saying!
Polt: What?
Teacher: It means, like, oh well whatever. Nothing you can do. Like I'll say, 'Where's your homework?' and the kid'll say 'Didn't get it done.' and then shrug and be like, 'Snakes on a plane, man. Snakes on a plane.'

Followed by both of us laughing at the stupidity of it all.

Then, Friday night, when we're at the theater, Mr. David Franeschina, who is also a teacher, mentions this movie to me and something about hearing his kids mentioning the title, and I explained to him the other teacher's situation. We both laughed at it again. Especially since neither of the teachers teach in the same school. Nor in the same county.

Crazy man, eh? Oh well, whatcha gonna do? Snakes on a plane, man, snakes on a plane.

POLT - listening to "Wake Up Call" by The Prodigy

Well of course he thought it was a good idea! He's completely delusional! - Cluemaster, Suicide Squad #1


Anonymous said...

Snakes on a plane, man, Snakes on a plane!

Anonymous said...

The premise of the movie is ridiculous, but I can see how the term could really catch on for a while, that would be dope.


m_o_o_nspells said...

LMAO! I gotta agree that as a movie premise, it sucks major @rse but as a saying, the more I repeat it in my head, the more I'm kinda lovin' it!
P1: How's work going for you these days?
P2: Oh you know...snakes on plane, man...

*giggles* I think I'm gonna start using it to make SURE it catches on! Think I can get away with it? ;o)