Monday, May 22, 2006

She washes dishes now, and watches TV...

This evening, I had had enough! I was sick of it and wasn't gonna take it anymore. I buckled down, gathered my strength, marched right in and.....did my dishes. I started at 532 and finished at 610. yes, I did have THAT many dishes. See for a bit there, you may recall, I had a leaky sink, and didn't want to use it...but that excuse ran out like over a week ago when the plumbers came by and fixed it.

the picture above just does NOT do any justice to the mess that was my dishes, cause I think I took this photo like ten days ago. I think this was probably the first time in May that I did them. Now before you all start getting sick or anything, bear in mind, there's no fungus or mold or anything growing there, cause i rinse the dishes off before I put them on the counter to wait to be washed. And I hate doing dishes so much, that I go to one of those big wholesale warehouse type stores around here and buy 500 plastic cups and an equal amount of paper plates at a time. i know, I know, it's a waste of money, or so I'm told, but it saves having to do dishes all that often. I HAD to do dishes now, cause I was completely OUT of clean silverware. Not a usable knife, fork OR spoon to be had. So, I had to do them.

Please, please, I beg you, do NOT comment and leave things like "If you washed them after ever use, you wouldn't have so many to do at once" or "doing them the same day each week cuts back on the long time it takes to get a bunch done" or "if you're gonna rinse them off, why not just wash them?". I've heard them all before. And I've ignored them all before. And while i love you guys more than some of my friends and members of my own family, I'm not gonna listen to you anymore than I do them. Uncle Polt is one lazy bastard, and you are not gonna change that.

But I'm glad I got them done. It wasn't difficult to do them, I jsut HATE doing dishes. Just like I hate vacuuming. Or dusting. Or cats. Or conservative Republicans. It's all the same to me.

POLT = listening to "Carnival" by Natalie Merchant

I can't understand why more people aren't bisexual. It would double your chances for a date on Saturday night. - Woody Allen


.- said...

WHAT? I can double my chances of a date?
OK - I am all for plastic wear. SO TOTALLY DUDE
On holidays I have to remind the chitlins... NO NO let's use REAL PLATES! Sometimes I find my good flatwear in the trash - theyare so used to throwing forks away. I just love you all the more for hearing them all and ignoring them all - me too!

Anonymous said...

They have some extremely good medications on the market now for all kinds of allergies. I'm sure that one of them could help with your dish washing allergy, or phobia.

Parrain Féerique

m_o_o_nspells said...

Dishwasher, baby...the ONLY way to go! Before we got ours, our kitchen made the mess above look like a hospital room ready for surgery! ;o)

The Persian said...

I DETEST doing dishes as well, at my old house, where the dishwasher died repeatedly that stuff would pile up for a week at times. Ew.fruit flies. lol

I will never be able to survive without a dishwasher, thats just the way it is.

Now don't even get me started on vacuming and about WINDOWS??


Ryan said...

i got 2 go with what moonspells said!

Polt said...

I live in an apartment with a small kitchen...I have no room for a dishwasher. Would be nice, though. I think I'd rather have a washer and dryer up here first, but a dishwasher would be nice too.

Windows, PG, are for looking out of, not cleaning. And Mark (practicing French now, are we?) it's not a phobia, exactly, more just like a strong dislike. Or hatred, yeah that'll work too.

epicurist said...

Holy bejesus...that's quite the pile.

Polt said...

Epicurist, it is indeed. probably about a months worth of dishes, I figure. I just hate doing 'em, hate it!