Sunday, May 28, 2006

Used to be a superhero, I'd swoop down...

Superhero Sunday

Today, we have Firestorm.

I should note that just in the last year or two, there is an entirely new Firestorm that I know little about. I'll be discussing here the orinigal one.

1st Appearane: March 1978
Real Name: Ronnie Raymond
Powers: Flight and rearrange the structure of inorganic matter
Origin: There was an explosion at a nuclear facility. Caught in the explosion were college student Ronnie Raymond and Professor Martin Stein. They were fused together as the being known as Firestorm. Since Professor Stein was unconscious at the time of the accident, he became little more than a voice in Ronnie's head. It was Ronnie who controlled the actions of Firestorm. The pair could seperate back into thier individual selves, and when needed, re-merge into Firestorm.
My Thoughts: I was introduced to Firestorm when he became the newest member of the Justice League soon after I started collecting them. He was cool character to me because he was so much younger and inexperienced than all the other members of the League. After one of the League's periodic re-organizations, Firestorm left the Legaue, and I kinda lost track of him. he at one point was merged with some Russian superhero and became "Earth's Fire Elemental" whatever that means. And then, later, Ronnie found out he had leukemia, but also discovered he could become Firestorm by himself. I only know this because he rejoined the League for a short time. Apparently, Ronnie died during the Identity Crisis, but the "Firestorm Matrix" was merged with a young black man in Detroit, and he became the 'new' Firestorm. I don't really hoenstly know much about the character after he left the League the first time...and sometimes, I think that's for the best.

POLT = listening to "Karma Police" by Radiohead

Sex is the only thing worth lving for. - Robert Mapplethorpe

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