Tuesday, May 09, 2006

HIdden behind the idols you adore (part VIII)...

Elvis...oh God....butcha know, none of these kids was alive when Elvis DIED! ...I am so old...

Taylor (Jailhouse Rock) I could type the same thing by everyone of his performances before I even see them: drunk uncle at a wedding reception. I guess that's his schtick, horrible though it is. His purple suit was nice, though. "Terrible impersonation, hideous dancing, karaoke with a capital K" - Simon, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Chris (Suspicious Minds) Boxerbriefs? Have him perform in just those, I guatantee he'll win. I like this song, and he sang it well. I just like the way he sings. If I switched to a radio station and heard him singing, I'd keep it there and listen. He's the only one left that I can say that about. Guess that's why he's my favorite. I don't think this was his best performance, but he was still pretty damn good.
Elliott (If I Could Dream) Ew. Sounds like a baa-ing sheep. Never heard this song before, and after he sang it, I have no desire to hear it again. Not good at ALL, and certainly not good enough for this stage of the show. But what the HELL were the judges listening to?
Katharine (Hound Dog/All Shook Up) Did she forget some of the lyrics? I was really into her performance until she forgot the words, and the big Whore-guleria scream at the end. God, I wish she's stop that.
Taylor (In The Ghetto) ??? What the hell is he thinking choosing this song? "Leave the dancing out of it"- advice he should take every song he does. Okay, no drunk uncle this time, but seriously, WHY is this man in the top 4?
Chris (A Little Less COnversation) Don't think this is the best song for him, but he did quite well remembering all the lyrics and not missing any. Not his best performance either. I'm slightly concerned for him.
Elliott (Trouble) Much as it pains me to say this, I like this performance, except for his attempt at a WHore-guliera screech on the last note. That was sad. Otherwise, could have been his best ever.
Katharine (Can't Help Falling In Love) Good song, and good choice for her. She did well, but seemed a bit off in places. And for GOD'S sade, stop with the Whore-gulara screams!

Taylor - he needs to go.
Chris - not his strongest night
Elliott - His second song should keep him safe
Katharine - She did okay, but had MAJOR problems in parts of both songs.

If I had my way, Taylor would be gone. But who knows who WILL go?

POLT = listening to the "Blue Danube"

You little piece of dribble piss! - Patsy, Absolutely Fabulous


Ryan said...

im sorry i dont agree taylor needs 2 win it and elliot will go and should have 7 people ago! love that u posted about it.

Polt said...

I got 4 words for ya, Ryan:

Drunk. Uncle. Wedding. Reception.

Nuff said. ;)

but hey, I'm still in shock from Chris being voted off, so what do I know?