Friday, May 12, 2006

I got the power...

Last night, I was at Borders and talking to Ghostie about seeing X3. There's another friend of ours that works there, Ryan, and I asked Ghostie if Ryan was going to go. He said Ryan didn't want to see it. Well that would not do! I found out Ryan was working today, so, over lunch, I made my way to Borders. I found Ryan, and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Hey, RYAN!
Ryan: >groan< ...hey.
Me: Two weeks from today X3 starts. You coming with?
Ryan:, I really don't want to see it.
Me: WHAT? (now bear in mind, this next batch of conversatoin took place very quickly, without a breath until I had finished. Those that know me know how i was talking here) But RYAN, Ghostie and I are going, and Seth, if he doesn't leave town, and my friend Chris, if his wife will let him go, and she might go too, which would mean it wouldn't be a boy's night out, but we'll deal with that, and there's this guy I work with that I'm trying to get to go too, and it just won't be ANY fun if you don't go Ryan!
Ryan:, it's not going to be any good. It'll suck.
Me: Well if it sucks, we'll all watch it suck together!
Ryan: Oh, I don't know.
Me: C'Mon! We'll go to Friday's first and get all liquored up, that way we'll enjoy it no matter what! C'moooooooooooooon!
Ryan: well....I guess, okay.
Me: Wha-Hoo!

Yes, I HAVE the power! I have persuasive power that's unparalleled.

Either that or people give in to me to stop the whining. I don't know, I blame the Polt Chaos.

POLT = listening to nothing, as I'm downloading music from iTunes.

I hate this job. I'm in a rut deep enough to hang posters. - The Kids In The Hall


Anonymous said...

First off...don't invite David, he doesn't want to see what ever you do..ignore that big looser.....
Second off...I want to see the clock that counts down until you hit 40

Polt said...

*SIGH*...oh for God's sake David, you're a bigger whiner than I am. Ghostie and I just haven't got around to asking you yet. You think we're gonna forget you? We got a HISTORY, my man! Think of Batman Begins! Think of Fantastic Four! Think of God only knows how many Star Wars and LOTR movies! (I'm trying to forget Syriana, though)

Just one question, what exactly is it that are looser than? Or is this just another Steven Furry instance? BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

PS, once the clock hits 40, Polt blows up...don't think you wanna be anywhere nearby to see that. Imagine the debris. Ew!

Anonymous said...

Steven Furry...nice recall!

Polt said...

Brad: surprisingly, 26 was the worst birthday for me, cause it meant I was finally closer to 30 than I was to 20. 30 was no problem, 35 was a breeze. 40, eh, I'm not worried about it yet. I'm 38 and I don't even feel like I'm 28 (except after a night of too much drinking).

Anonymous: yep, mind like a steel trap, memory of an elephant...or is that mind of an elephant and memory of a steel trap? Oh who can tell?

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