Sunday, May 07, 2006

Used to be a superhero, I would swoop down..

Superhero Sundays

This week, I give you the Huntress:

First Appearance: April 1989
Real Name: Helena Bertinelli
Powers: Excellent gymnast and hand-to-hand combatant, miniture crossbow and other items
Origin: She was the daughter of a Mafia don and watched her whole family get slaughtered. As she grew up she vowed revenge, and she trained herself to be able to take it.
My thoughts: The original Huntress, pre-Crisis, was the daughter of Earth-2's Batman and Catwoman. I first read her in the late 1970's, and liked her a lot then. Then after the Crisis, that Huntress never existed, but they made a new one, and I like her as well. SHe's like Batman, but a little more cold hearted. Still, I like her a lot, cause she's a no-nonsense, take no shit, kick ass female superhero, and those are still kinda rare, even in today's world.

POLT = listening to "Hungry Like The Wolf" by Duran Duran

Play nice, sweetheart, and don't touch the Senators - you don't know where they've been. - Black Canary, Birds Of Prey #47


Anonymous said...

Maybe Hilary Clinton should read her.


Ryan said...

i agree with onanite