Friday, May 12, 2006

Mother's blood'd curdle, if she heard....

So, Sunday's Mother's Day.

Let me first say I HATE the forced holidays! those would be Mother's Day, Father's Day and Valentine's Day. These are days were we are FORCED to tell someone we love them, or we're not good people. I hate that. If I love someone I'm gonna tell them all year round (and I do), and not just when Hallmark tells me I need to, oh and send em a Hallmark card while you at it.
Nope, sorry, I don't play that game.

I always get Mom something for mother's day, but I NEVER give it to her ON Mother's Day. She might get it the saturday before, or the Monday after. Maybe even the Friday before. One year, I even waited until Wednesday and then surprised her at work and took her out to lunch. Had a handful of balloons with me then too I did.

At any rate, I got her two cards this year. And in addition, i got her this:

Yes, yes indeed it DOES say MOMMY. And inside, in case you can't see, are various pictures of her. Holding my cousin, Cam; A closeup of one side of her head while she was driving a car somewhere; on that trampoline last year, all sprawled out on all fours; her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her; and her with her penguin hat, from Christmas.

I can just hear Mama Polt laughing now. God, I love her so!

POLT = listening to "Shake It" by Jark Prongo

If ya ask me, we're heterosexual by default, not by decision. It's just a question of who ya fancy. It's all about aesthetics and it's fuck all about morality. - Renton, Trainspotting

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