Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Save what's left, for the deaf...

After two weeks wherein I was too busy to do it, I give you now...

Tone Deaf Tuesday

Okay, this week we're going back to my year in 7th grade, so this would have been the fall of 1980 or so. THis was the first time we had locker rooms for gym class and had to take showers and all afterwards. This was a traumatic time for me. Naturally, as a good little gay boy in training, I wanted to look at all the guys in their various states of undress, but as a good little small town boy, afraid of getting his ass kicked, I did it only very VERY slyly.

There was a guy I had gym class with who I thought was ALL that. For the purposes of this post, we shall call him Ronny K. Ronny wasn't a big guy then, he was shorter than me. But what really got me worked up was his hair. He had the perfect, parted in the middle and feathered back hair that I had no hope of ever getting. And if he grew it just a bit longer, he would have looked something like Leif Garrett (back in the day when Leif was hot, not how he looks now on Behind The Music).

Also, Ronny had braces, which then was something of a turnon to me. Even now, braces can be hot on the right guy (ADULT guy, not 7th grader). And in gym class, i got to see his chest. he was lean, and not realy muscular, but I can remember all kinds of definition on him, not an ounce of fat, or so it appeared. And my locker was situated such that I had a perfect view of his, and his ass was quite a mound in his tighty-whiteys.

Yeah, i KNOW I haven't mentioned music yet, bear with, I'm almost there. OUr gym teacher had a speaker mounted in the locker room, and after gym, while we showered and dried off and got ready for the next class, he'd turn the radio on and play it through the locker room. There was a day when I was getting dressed, and the radio was playing and the Queen song "Another One Bites The Dust" came blaring through the locker room. Some of the guys started singing and stuff.

But Ronny was walking back from the showers. He was singing, but more like yelling. And during the chorus, he sang/yelled "Another one bites my NUTS! Another one bites my NUTS! And another one's down another one's down, another one bites my NUTS!"

Everyone had stopped to watch him. He had his towel in one hand swinging it above his head. His other hand was wrapped around....his boys. He had them pulled out a bit and was waving them back and forth as he sang. He was high-step strutting through the locker room towards his locker singing at the top of his lungs. And everyone was cracking up, cause it was so funny.

And since EVERYone was watching him I did too. And I got quite a long look at...his goods. And they were permanently branded upon my memory, and they were a source of...fantasy material to me for YEARS to come, even into my college days.

And so, whenever I hear that song, I think of Ronny K's naked dance through the locker room.

POLT = listening to "Vera" by Pink Floyd

Ya know, for a skinny white boy, I make a fucking FAB-ulous black woman! - Emmett, Queer As Folk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool story.... and Ronnie, if you’re out there, good work buddy!

I remember 7th grade shower routines also, although I am a bit older than you. (ya know the kids nowadays don't shower?) Anyway I had gone through puberty in 5th grade, no kidding.

I was 5'9" tall in 7th grade and fully developed. The kids and I do mean kids, used to make fun of me, until I figured I should kick some butts, which I did.

I did find a comrade in 7th grade this Italian guy named Nick. He was also fully developed, so we became fast friends.

I do remember this weird little guy who used to always get hard and push his little member against me believe it or not. Weird.

ALSO the old, and I do mean OLD coach used to always watch us all showering ... I think he was a perv.

Thanks for bringing back some memories.
