Monday, May 15, 2006

Not just a primary color...

Well, kids, tomorrow, Tuesday, is primary election day here in PA. And Uncle Polt is Judge of Elections for our precinct. So that means I'll be at the polls from about 630 in the morning, until they close at 800, and then I have to take things to the county courthouse, so I probably won't get home until about 1000 at night. And since I have to go to work on Wednesday, I'll probably jus go right to bed. Therefore, I probably won't post tomorrow. Maybe oner a meal break I could return home and drop y'all a line. We'll see.

Course, this means I'll miss the American Idol performances tomorrow night. Which is actually okay, cause I don't really give a fat rat's ass anymore.

At any rate, if there's no posts from me tomorrow, now you know why.

POLT = listening to "Warning" by Green Day

Reality is something you rise above. - Liza Minelli


jiggs said...

It's so cool that you're doing your civic duty. Rock on!

Rebecca said...

:D Will you be heading to jury on Wednesday?

Good on you my friend, good on you :D

Polt said...

Navel:been doing this since I was 19. I was a political science major in college and have been obessive about politics since I was3rd grade. (I remember urging my mom to vote to Jimmy Carter and NOT Jerry Ford...but I don't remember why).

Becca: I was ontwo juries while I was in college and LOVED the experience. (yes, I AM a freak, thanks for noticing!) I would love to be on another one, but I doubt I'll get called again.

BRAD:Oh were it so, my friend, were it only so! :)