Thursday, July 13, 2006

I feel the need to be naked with you (part 16)..."Em

Welcome, one and all, it's Half Nekked Thursday time!

I present the following:

My legs, in all thier long, hairy goodness! And with nothing covering my junk but a tshirt pulled down to the appropriate level and over the appropriate...things. (although that's probably more than many of you needed to know, or to see for that matter.)

If you have any questions about HNT, would like to participate yourself, or want to view other participants (and believe me, there's a LOT there to see!), just click on the button in the sidebar on the left!

POLT = listening to "Encore" but the Sugar Babies

I just want you to enjoy your youth. I certainly have. - Brian, Queer As Folk


Anonymous said...

Nice HNT, the view is great and I would enjoy the view without the T-shirt.

* (asterisk) said...

I'm a big fan of T-shirts, Polt. Glad you are too.



lime said...

fun shot. it does make your legs seeem looooooong. HHNT

m_o_o_nspells said...

Ooooooooooh baby...I *knew* you were hot stuff but this just PROVES it! Nice gams Poltie...and junk?! I seriously doubt that most of your readers would choose *that* word to describe your bits... ;o)
**waits for the BIG reveal...** :oD

Sexy Duet said...

Great shot, Happy HNT!


Leesa said...

Nice legs, nice view! HHNT ;)

epicurist said...

Happy HNT! Your legs look super long there!

Suze said...

Nice legs. So if I tickle you and you raise your arms...

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Blondage said...

Love the view.... *grin*

Don't you miss QAF? I cried like a baby on that last episode....the shot of Brian dancing alone in his club....


A Bronx Tale said...

you got some very long legs there.

either that or its the way the shot was taken.


Anonymous said...

Moonspells is right I don't believe there is any junk what-so-ever under that T-Shirt! The slang term should be more like Precious Jewels or Bag-o-Gold or my fave: Platinum Banana w/ goodies.

SCH said...

Your legs are almost as hairy as mine! Happy HNT!

Semi-Celibate Man said...

TMJI - too much "junk" info! Just kidding. Nice shot.

By the way, I have at least two of the conditions listed in your header. :)

Blondage said...

Polt, I agree with your comment at my place, QaF did turn in to a bit of a soap opera......but I was so madly in love with Brian they could have had him read the phone book and I'd have swooned.

I guess I am not the best judge.



katarina said...

You have very shiney toenails.

Anonymous said...

I see tan lines!!

HHNT Uncle Polt!