Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Slowly melting, little darling, it seems like years...

Sweet Mary Magdalene, it's hot! And tomorrow's supposed to be worse. Thank God I have a/c at home, in the car AND at work. I just canNOT comprehend how people did it 100 years ago or more. I understand it didn't get as hot then as frequently as it does now, but still, geez, temps this high, with stifling humidity...that all didn't just start recently. And back then, they wore wool! And layers! Oh, God, it's no wonder the population explosion didn't occur until in the last generation or so. Oh, some will give credit for our longer lives to anti-biotics, or better nutrition, or what have you. but I'm telling you, it's cause of a/c. I mean without it, I don't care how horny I was, there was just no WAY I was gonna get busy with somebody! And that's why our population was low. Either that, or i'm suffering from heatr inducted delusions. Or it's just the Polt Chaos. Or all of the above, who knows?

Since a picture is worth 1000 words, i found several photos to convey how I feel when i go outside now:

Yeah, that's just about right. Kepp cool, all.

POLT = listening to "Civil War" by Guns N Roses

Sexual frustration and a pleasant demeanor seldom go hand in hand.

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