Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Alison, I know this world is killing you...

(This photo concept is stolen - er, um, BORROWED from Dan's Blog. Thanks man.)

So, I got some notes from this week's episode. They are as follows:

Laura's in the riding outfit again?
Robert: Shut up! I don't want to work with trash! (can he sound anymore gay?)
Laura: Fur trim out of shredded paper. She's gotta have trim on everything!
Kanye: "I grew up white trash and dumpster diving." Somehow, I have no problem believing that.
Victor: "I'm gonna make art." Hmm, wonder if that art comes with a stupid hat.
Whilst dishing the dirt like the pair of divas they are, I noticed Robert sounds an awful lot like Forrest Gump.

Commerical Breaks:
Those Orbitz commercials, while originally funny and cool, and now trite, repetative and boring...even with the lesbian couple on it.
I have no idea WHAT Bombay Sapphire is, I'm assuming some sort of alcohol. But despite not knowing, I want to go on out and buy a bottle or two just cause of the hot HOT guy with the samuri sword chopping away at the ice in that commerical!
Is anyone else as bored with that lesbian chick trainer as I am? Thank God it's almost over.
Kara Janx is now taking us around New York instead of Tim Gunn. Does anyone REALLY care that she loves nature and the BOtanical Gardens? Kara is SOOO last season.
Budweiser Select: the one where the five spoked 'crown' keeps popping up, in a guy's spiked hair, and the tired tread of a motorcycle, and the rip in one girl's pants, etc. I LOVE that commercial. not so much for the commercial itself, but for the music. I have just discovered today that the song is "Galvanize" by The Chemical Brothers, and I got it off iTunes today and have listened to it about 10 times so far!
Million Dollar Listing: WHY??? Why would anyone care? Why would anyone watch this? I'll never live there, the housed are overpriced, and everyone from the customers, to the agents, to whomever, sounds rude, snobby, pissy and arrogant. Yeah, just what I want to watch on TV: rich people with more money than God piss and moan over homes that cost more than I have so far in all my life! Please.

And we're back:
Vincent thinks his is a party dress? Maybe a party dress where the wearing got drunk, fell in some sticky substance and then rolled around in the trash.
They're showing a lot of Alison. Considering the look of her dress so far, I think that does NOT bode well for her.
Is it REALLY true that "In fashion, one day you're in, and the next day you're out"?
Um, one question...what is a Brioche (I have no idea how to spell that)?

Who's the toughest judge? NINEGARCIA! As if there were any doubt.

The outfits!
Uli: Very nice. It didn't look like trash at all. I was impressed.
Angela: Is it a 60's go-go dress...or a female alien costume from the original Star Trek? Ick.
Michael: Very nicely done, very dignified. Very wearable.
Vincent: "It got me off" he says. Twice. Perhaps he should spend less time "getting off" and more time designing decent dresses.
Robert: Looks good. I liked it.
Jeffrey: Dammit. I really like this one. I HATE saying that, cause I HATE him. but I think he did an excellent job!
Laura: Oh that's HORRIBLE. It looks like a dress for a 5 year old girl. Dipped in starch. It doesn't move at all. She might be in trouble.
Alison:Oh it's horrible. The hair! No symetry to the outfit...too bulgey. Just really bad.
Kayne: doesn't work any better than the big green sheet of paper he had first.

Best: Jeffrey, Uli, Michael
Worst: Alison, Angela, Laura

Winner: Jeffery; Loser: Alison.
Well, I was half right. I knew as soon as it came down to her and Vincent she was gone. Vincent has much more drama potential then Alison, no WAY are the producers gonna let him go this soon!

If we're lucky, maybe next week though!

POLT = listening to "Pump It" by The Black Eyed Peas

I was so long in labor they had to shave me twice. - Absolutely Fabulous

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