Monday, August 14, 2006

Happy birthday, happy birthday, baby...

Oh, I am SUCH a bad friend, such a bad little gay friend...

Saturday was my Fairy Godfather Mark's birthday and I didn't even realize it until this evening! I had the card bought before August 1, but I forgot all about it until now. I got the card ready and in the mail, and I DO have a reputation to sending birthday/anniversary/no special reason cards a LOT...but usually late. Nonetheless, I should have remembered his, after all he's done for me.

So, in order to hopefully make this up to him somehow, everyone, sing along with me. Don't be dosen't matter if you sing like an angel, or only in the shower, or like a broken chainsaw, just sing this with me, loud and strong! I know he checks in here every so often, so let's let him hear a whole CHORUS of birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Fairy Godfather Mark
Happy Birthday to YOOooOOooOOooOOooOU!!!

Thanks everyone!

Sorry Mark! The card is on it's way, along with all the belated birthday wishes I can muster!

Luv ya, man!

POLT - listening to "Secret" by Madonna

Qu'est-se que c'est? - The Talking Heads


A Bronx Tale said...

well Happy Birthday to your godfather.

and oh yeah i forgot you mentioned you were gay and totally didn't list Church street as a place to go. but yo ushould exclude the other clubs. they're fun for you as well aren't they?

they were for my one friend who's gay. he doesn't seem to mind. but sometimes he feels that when he's with his b/f at the straight clubs, he just can't be himself, without the fear of something probably know what i'm talking about here.

its unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

You know I would have fainted clean away if I'd received your card before my 39th birthday.

These 39's are coming around way to often if you ask me.

Say cheese! And thanks for the chorus.

Fairy Godfather

Rebecca said...

Happy, HAPPY birthday Mark!!!

Hope it was all you dreamed of and more!

MISSES AND KISSES to you Uncle Polt!!! Hope all is well at the Purple Castle!

Polt said...

Calogero: I do know exactly what you're talking about.

Mark: 39? Oh silly me, I thought you were 29..again. :)

Becca: Thanks for sending him wishes, Becca. And everything is swell round here!