Saturday, August 12, 2006

From the outside looking in it`s a dream come true...

Get comfy. Close your eyes. Clear your mind. Now, imagine that about three years ago, you met someone who was totally your type and who you hit it off with really really well, BUT who was straight (okay, i guess you're gonna have to try to imagine you're gay as well. Whatever, just deal...), and in fact was living with his girlfriend when you met him. Nonetheless, the two of you became really good friends.

Now, after a time, you drift apart, as friends do. You still keep in contact with occasional phone calls and Christmas cards and such, but nothing like you once had. And then, almost by accident, you get back to being close again. Only he's "playing the field" now, dating girls, but no one seriously. And you hang out together and fun like old times.

Now imagine, being with him and having him tell you, "Ya know, I'm tired of chicks. I wanna try to guys, just to see what it's like." And he's chosen you to be the first guy he's with, IF you're interested.

IF I'm interested?????? WTF???

Hell YES I was. And so we did. And YES, it was inCREDible! Something I'd been wanting for years, and something he'd been curious about for some time as well. And it's quite likely it was NOT a one time thing.

Kismet, fate, Lady Luck, karma...whatever it is is making me one happy little queerboy.

POLT = listening to "Tiny Meat" by Ruby

Vacation, all I ever wanted, vacation, have to get away. - The Go-Go's


Anonymous said...

I love this post....but do tell what happened afterwards?

Polt said...

Afterwards? What kind of girl do you think I am? I don't kiss and tell (much). I, sir, am I lady. :)