Wednesday, August 02, 2006

If I were a dentist, I'd take the opportunity...

So I mentioned earlier this week that I had chipped a tooth and had an appointment for today at 900am. I made it there, but not before being all stressed out. See, mouth pain is something I just can NOT stand. And I'm always afraid he's gonna say we have to pull it. I've had two teeth pulled before, and the problem is, my teeth are too damn strong. My lower tooth had the two roots grow into one, so it took a LOT of pulling and yanking and such for him to get it out. And the upper one, well, he had to cut a bit of my jaw away, just a sliver, to get it out. PAINFUL! SO every time I have a tooth problem, that is where my mind immediately goes.

So anyway, I got out there anyway, and he said he could fill it, but the way the tooth broke, the filling could fall out in a year or two, or we could put a crown on it. I've never had a crown so I asked about it. And I decided we'd try that. First, we had to send the x-ray off to the insurance company to see IF they'd approve it, and if so, how much I'd have to pay. I think with my insurance it's gonna be about 20%, which might come out to 120 bucks or so. And that's more than I want to pay. I think, regardless of what the insurance says, I'll just get the filling next time. If we need to do a crown later, we can always go back and do it, but if we do the crown first, there's not real way to go back and do a filling. I think the less work he has to do, the better.

So having my dentist visit go so well put me in a good frame of mind. And so, work, when i got there, wasn't too bad. After work, later in the evening, I was driving through town, and happened to pass by the high school soccer team practicing. I've got three words:

Oh. My. and God. *

They were shirtless, and smooth, and tanned, and sleek, and sweaty, and running all over legs pumping, and having those long wild hair-fro's they wear, and muscley, and sweating, and shirtless, and....and....oh....

If I wasn't gonna burn before, I am now gonna have my own room in Hell for what I was thinking. It's just lucky there were no on-coming cars, cause somehow, I ended up in the other lane. Twice.

Oooo, less than a half hour to the scandal on Project Runway!

POLT = listening to "Somebody To Love" by Queen

I don't know antiques. The only Chippendale I ever sat on had two legs. - Jackie Stone, Absolutely Fabulous

* This is NOT a photo of one of the soccer players I saw. I didn't have my camera and didn't get out of my car. but it IS a fair representation of what I saw.

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