Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Now when the winds, cry Angela...

So I was mistaken, Angela got Auf-ed, not Kayne, which is good cause she deserved to go. Go a LONG time ago.

But Kayne DID have a HIDeous outfit! I did not keep notes on the whole show. However, as much as it pains me to say it, I did like Jeffrey's outfit the best. It was the best. I liked Laura's also, I could see someone jetting party to party in it. However, the color was wrong, in my opinion. It was too close to her natural skin tone. But still, nicely done.

Angela's just reminded me of a hippie backpacking her way through Europe, maybe following the Dead. Certainly NOT a jet-setter.

At least she's gone, and that's a good thing.

POLT = listening to "Block Rockin' Beats" by The Chemical Brothers

"That reminds me of a story: The Boy Who" "Wolf?" "AHHH! Where?!?!!?" - Carl, Jimmy Neutron


Anonymous said...

Now if Laura will go have another pup to add to her litter and Jeffery goes back to making clothes out of Hemp they can give Michael the winnings and Heidi Klum can go away feeling so superior to the rest of us and all will be right with the world, Oh, Kayne can come to live with me. Even though he is high maintenance I think I could 'make it work'.

Anonymous said...

I forgot, there is no place to put my name so I need to include it in the comment section, sorry, It's just me, Ed

Anonymous said...

I liked Jeffrey's outfit but I HATED the zipper thing on the pants. I picked Laura as my favorite this time with Micheal close behind. I was ready to see Angela gone but I really thought that Kayne's was a joke. It looked like he was jet setting to an Elvis convention.

katarina said...

I hated Kayne's, but they totally made an ass out of him. That was nasty. I hated Vincent's. It was sooooo boring. There was no design. And the winner, Jeffrey? Are you kidding? What the hell was up with the tight spandex pants from the 80's? I actually liked Angela's this week except for those damn flowers she puts on everything. I didn't get Michael. I'm going to go with Uli, Michael and Laura as the top 3.

Didn't Angela's hair look pretty straightened?