Saturday, August 26, 2006

Walk around the complex, no visitors...

So, I wanted to pop on to the blog today, so everyone knows I'm okay. My "special visitor" made it down okay, and we had fun last night. Several times, actually. Him more than me, though, cause after all, I'm old and he's only 18. Here's a photo of my lil Freddie Bear and your Uncle Polt.

And so, I had to go to work today (couldn't get off work, as this visit was a surprise and I had no time to take off), and I left Freddie Bear here alone. He entertained himself with his laptop that he brought as well as a selection from my Wall O'Porn. And then when I got home, well, yeah, we had our funtime together...again.

Oh this is turning out to be a MUCH better weekend that I expected it to be, even just 24 hours ago! Oh and here's a photo of Freddie Bear and me having fun....a mild, VERY mild version of it.

Perhaps a late submission for Frenching Fridays? So anyways, I'll post sometime tomorrow, at least once, perhaps after he's gone. And then I'll be depressed. Nah, not really, cause I know he's coming back next week for the wedding.

POLT = listening to Freddie Bear play his video game

"You stabbed me in the head with a spear!" "True. But face it, big boy, your head is not a vital organ." - Psimon, The Outsiders #13


m_o_o_nspells said...

OMG Poltie, you big STUD! Woohoo...and SO cute! Good for you sweetie...makes me feel better about the age of MY playmate from last week! ;o)

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous! How can I attract a sweet young thing! Have fun;-0

Anonymous said...


A little Polt in training (or is he training you??).

I finally got new batteries for the magic wand. You can thank me later.

Fairy Godfather

katarina said...

You kind of look alike.

Polt said...

Moons: Oooh, details, sweetie, I want details!

Ed: I'm not sure how I did it, myself!

Mark: Oh if I knew that was all it took, I wouls have bought you a CASE of batteries!

Katarina: Hehe, not really. In the photo we do, sorta, but in real life, nah, not so much.