Tuesday, August 15, 2006

There's too much information for my head (Part 3)...

Again, I get these from Here. You can get them yourself for you blog, put your own answers in my blog, just read my answers and write none of your own, or hell, just move on to the next post.

1. Have you ever had sex at someone else's house during a party? Details? Once, in the bathroom. It was just head from a guy I met at the party. Does that count?
2. Ever tried to replay the famous scene from From Here to Eternity? How was it? No.
3. Do you like pain during sex? No. Well, maybe some light, non-painful pain. Spankings, perhaps? Little bites maybe? Something like that.
4. On a scale from 1-10, how promiscuous were you during your college years (whether you went or not)? 10. Numerous different guys each week. Yeah, I was slut. Damn lucky I didn't catch anything worse than crabs.
5. At what age do you think men and women reach their sexual peak? Do you think you have hit yours yet? Men, about 17. Women, I have no idea. I am so far past my peak I can't even see it again. I mean, I can still function quite well, but the days of 4 or 5 masturbation sessions a day are LONG gone.
Bonus (as in optional): Do any of your ex's have naked photos or movies of you still? Yeah, I think one ex has one photo he took. I was blindfolded and didn't what he was doing until I heard the flash. Bastard. He said he'd delete the photo, but i doubt he did.

POLT = listening to "Leather And Lace" by Stevie Nicks

A youngster, a year too young to do a proper job of raising the downy, fuzzy excuse for a moustache he had on his upper lip. - Harry Turtledove, Walk In Hell

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