Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wearing next to nothing cause it's hot as an oven...

I HATE heat. Have I mentioned that before? Man, it is hot outside. Today was hotter than yesterday, with my car thermostat registering a hefty 102 degrees! I hate heat. It is seriously hot. and humid, don't forget the humidity...argh! It's like jungle hot. Like swamp hot. Like Satan-in-a-Speedo hot. Angry God hot. Household pets will English hot. Pedestrians could spontaneously combust.* It's just ought not be allowed to be this hot.

I expect i'll pay more in electric this next bill than I will on rent, but I HAVE to run the a/c. I cannot live without it when it's this hot. And that just sucks. Course, it would suck even more to be without a/c.

And according to a House Republican leader, Roy Blunt, there's no evidence of global warming, so there's no need to rush out and do anything about it. Moron.

Oh, and I see there's a hurricane Chris out in the Atlantic, which I'm keeping an eye on, casue it's my namesake!

POLT - listening to "When The Levee Breaks" by Led Zeppelin

I take it black, like my men. - Airplane


katarina said...

Polt, honey, I need to ask you a question.

Are you hot?

The Persian said...

Yup he is Katrina (hehe).

Keep cool buddy, I'm roasting myself here In MA.


•♥•m•♥• said...

hey!....I cannot believe U havent posted about the runwayshow last nite!?!? Hilarious huh?.....Tim Guns statements are sooo rehersed and the same when someone leaves the show?...Heres Tim ..."okay, we need u to go and clean up your space" theres only one area (a cage perhaps that we dont see on camera?)

and I cannot believe the icequeen who has the 5 kids and couldnt touch the dog last week actually complimented angela for her Team Leader skills !! LOL

Auf-ieder-zein ! ...

Anonymous said...

Chris is your namesake? Please don't hate me too much for my next statement. I love this weather. I don't even have air conditioning. Back in my day the stores, the schools, the cars none of them were air conditioned. Now you "wimps" can't live without it. Oh it is hotter now since global warming yeah 2 degrees hotter maybe. I hate winter, the ice and snow the gray sky it is so depressing. This winter when it is 20 degrees below zero, let's talk about global warming.

Polt said...

Katarina: Why yes, dear, I am.

PG: >blush< !!!!

drm2b: Hmm, yeah I did kinda forget to do that. I'll have to do that soon.

Ed: Oh you are SUCH a freak. Me, I love me some cold shivery weather! Don't like driving in it at all, but I LOVE taking walks while it's snowing and through the fallen snow. And wrapping up in blankets and getting all cuddley and watching the snow fall.

*SIGH* snow....

Anonymous said...

I used to like snow but then came the blizzard of 1978! There were drifts over 12 feet high and my family and me were stuck in the house with very little to eat and no electricity or phones. We had a gas stove to keep from freezing. There were no cell phones back then. We tried to dig a path out to the road but every night the wind would undo our work and we finaly gave up. It was the worst two weeks of my life before the bulldozers came and cleared off the road and the wind stopped blowing so we could dig ourselves out. If I never see snow again it will be too soon!