Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A rose by any other name...

Earlier this week, I called Mrs. David Franceschina to find out how she was doing with the pregnancy (she's fine, by the way. Inducing Friday if the little bugger doesn't come before that). But, she told me that Mr. David Franceschina had a bone to pick with me. He said at his school (he's a music and band teacher) some faculty member, I forget what her name was, approached him recently. The conversation went (the best of my recollection) as follows:

Faculty Member Who's Name I Forgot: David, I have a question to ask you, and you need to answer me truthfully and in complete honesty, because your answers may have serious repercussion for us all.

Mr. David Franceschina: ......um, okay.

FMWNIF: Who is the purple polt?

MDF: huh?

FMWNIF: WHO is the purple polt?

MDF: Um...I don't think I know what you're talking about.

FMWNIF: Oh, David, I think you DO know. Who is the purple polt?

MDF: Umm.....oh, you mean Chris Uncle Polt?


It appears that if one Googles "David Franceschina" the third thing that pops up is Ye Olde Palace (how disappointed was I that I was third and NOT first?) Apprantly, she was surpised and dismayed that he was mentioned on a blog that promoted a "homosexual agenda". And with him being a teacher and all. His retort was something along the lines of: he's not gay. And it does not promote a homosexual agenda, whatever that is. And nonetheless, even if he WAS gay on a blog that DID promote a homosexual agenda, SO WHAT? As far as he knew, it wasn't illegal to be gay and a teacher, despite what Bushie and his people may want (how comforting to hear such a sentiment come from Mr. Republican loving, Democrat hating conservative guy himself! Perhaps I've been misjudging him). She remindged him that it may not be illegal, but if the wrong parent got wind of it, and had an axe to grind against him, they could make a lot of trouble, stress and incovenience for him.

I asked him if he wanted to try to go back through the blog and delete all references to his name and come up with a new one for him. He thought about it, and told me not bother with the going back stuff. He did recommend i come up with a new name, and hence photo, to use for him. And I'll gladly grant that wish, as I agree wholeheartedly, and do NOT want him to get into any trouble (or rather, I don't want to help him get into any, as he seems to find enough trouble with parents and administration himself).

So, after much thought and contemplation, I've decieded I shall no longer call him by his real name. I tried come up with a better name. I tried Abby's Daddy...but with the new kid on the way, that was a tad bit exclusive. I thought of CommieHater...but no, that's too general as well. I thought of Professor Harold Hill, the shyster band leader form the play The Music Man..but I didn't really want to taint the character's by associating so closely with Mr. David F.

And then I thought I wanted to retain as much of his name as I could so I'm gonna go with the following: Mr. David Parispeking. It's taking the capitals of his name and using them!!!! I know, a stroke of genius. (if you don't like it, whatever, it's my blog...deal.) And naturally, his lovely wife will be Mrs. David Parispeking. And thier kids will be the Little David Parispekings. hehehhe, makes me snicker....

Also, I wanted to change the icon photos i use, so I'm going with this one for David:

yes, it IS Harold Hill from the Music Man. It just seemed so prefect! David is, if nothing else, a music man. I could just picture him in that same outfit and identical pose. And then I laugh myself silly.

For his lovely wife, I thought it natural to use Marion the Librarian, from the same movie. BUt I could not for the life of me find a good photo of Shirley Jones as Marion. And then it occured to me that Shirley Jones is also known as the mom on the Partridge Family, and since Susan is beginning to beget her own little flock of Parispekings, I thought I'd grab a photo from then and use it, so this is the new photo for Mrs. David Parispeking!

Now, I hope that clears up any future confusion and eliminates and future problems of this kind of Mr. David Parispeking. But I really doubt it. In both cases.

POLT = listening to "Killer/Papa Was A Rolling Stone" by George Micheal

It's like meeting the man of my dreams, and then meeting his beautiful...husband! - Alanis Morrisette, live in concert, August 10, 2004


The Persian said...

", because your answers may have serious repercussion for us all"

"on a blog that promoted a "homosexual agenda". "

Oh man I would just LURVE to be in a situation where an ignoramus like that woman said those things to me.

Give me a freeking break!

David is wonderfully laid back about it...:)

katarina said...

I wish something exciting happened when I google myself. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Anonymous said...

my cup runith over