Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Way up over top his head...

Velma from Velma's Lounge stole my list of 125 Things I Have Not Done, posted it on her blog and commented, all of which is not only fine with me, but rather flattering as well. However, she had questions about two of the things. One was absthine, although she managed to look that up herself. The other was the fact I had never been topped. She doesn't know what that means.
I shall attempt to educate her here.

Velma, my love.....I'm just trying to think of a way to explain this so as not to offend anyone, give heart attacks to the elderly and scare small household pets. Let me see....Okay...
Velma, when the thoughts of a young (or not so young as the case may be) gay man turns to....um, well, not love exactly....um, how about...bumpin nasties? Doing the horizontal bop? Gettin a lil sum'in-sum'in? How about getting off? okay, we'll go with that.

Anyway, when that happens, he looks for a like minded gay man (or drunk/curious/unsure/closeted/frat boy straight man) with which to...bop horizontally. Once a connection is made and both men decide to...participate, they begin with the preliminaries.

Once the preliminaries are completed, they proceed to the main festivities. these festivities can take many shapes and sizes (and positions...and with any number of additional toys or participants...but both of these are really beyond the scope of this explanation). One of these types of activities is what we in the business call the backdoor boogie (aka buggery, sodomy, or simply anal sex).

Not ALL gay men participate in this. However, among those that do there is generally (although not necessarily) only two men involved. (we'll stick to the two man model, just for simplicity's sake). When this takes place, one man is...um, how to put this...Oh I know! Velma loves baseball, so I'll use that as an anaolgy: one man is generally the pitcher and one is the reciever (although they could be BOTH, but again, we'll not get into that for simplicity's sake). The man who is the pitcher is called the "Top", the catcher is called the "Bottom" (generally because of their positioning during sex, although as with most things here, that's not alway the case.)

Thus, when one is the bottom, he is said to have 'bottomed' or 'been topped'. When one is the top, he is said 'to have topped' or 'have been the lucky one' (NAH, that last one was just me being funny.)

SO...Velma, my love, does that help any? If you're still confused, I mention Wikipedia and it's definition, which is here. I hope this all clears up any confusion you may have had.

POLT = listening to "I Am What I Am" by Respect

PS - still not able to get all the Philly photos onto Blogger, but still trying

Who dressed you and why do they hate you do much? - Charlene's Coat, Dinosaurs


Polt said...

It's not a problem, Velma my love. I've no issue educating those ignorant in the ways of sweaty man love.

katarina said...

So, am I correct in assuming that you mean you've never taken it up the tailpipe?
Why dance around it? Just be blunt.