Thursday, August 31, 2006

These are the days,,,,

Firstly, let me say that I'm typing this over at my mom's, and she's got one of those ergonomic keyboards where it's like split down the middle and the halves of it are angled away from each other...I gotta tell you it's freakin WEIRD typing on one of these, so there might be the greater than usual amount of mistakes herein.

Ever have one of THOSE days? (the question is rhetorical, of course you had, but since this is my blog, I'm gonna whine about my day, not yours.) Well, today was one of THOSE days. It started out bad and just got worse, making me very weary and run down and beat.

I had to get bloodwork done this morning at 730, which meant I had to get up about and hour earlier than I usually do. This meant that I didn't get the same amount of sleep that I normally do, which made me tired and that remained an underlying thing throughout the day. And of course, if was fasting bloodwork, which meant I hadn't had anything to eat since about 545 the night before. So not only was I tired, and grumpy, but I was hungry,

I got to the doctor's office on time, I was there at 726. They didn't open the doors until 733. And after signing in, I sat and waited until 752 to be called back for the bloodwork. It never takes that lond for them to get to me, at least not any of the other times I went there. But today...ah whatever.

Then, of course, there's the taking of the blood...blood, needles, yeah ALWAYS a great way to start your morning.

After this was over (which really wasn't all that bad, but I just don't like needles), I went to get breakfast at Denny's. I had wanted to get the local paper from one of the newspaper boxes in fron tof the place...only when I got there, I saw the boxes were no longer there. So I sat in Denny's by myself, nothing to read, while I had breakfast. There was plenty to look at, including a tall Thai waiter, a "dad" and "son" who I think weren't related but more like a couple, a hot black guy that came in with two whites chicks, and a real cutie in his mid-20's eating with his mom. With nothing to read, I at least had some eye candy to occupy my time. Then, when I left, on my way to my car, I saw that the newspaper boxes had been MOVED to amother position. I thought of going to get one then, cause I normally read the paper at lunch, but I thought I'd just get a paper whereever I went to get lunch.

And then there was work...oh, that deserves a post of its own. I'll try to post about it later.

Since yesterday, I've been feeling a My throat is a little rough, not really sore, like...pre-sore. I got some cough drops at work, not that they did all that much anyway. And I drank plenty of water, but I still feel jsut a bit off. And my stomach was a bit...well, off. I mean it was a bit rumbley in my tumbley. So i thought for lunch, I'd try to get some soup, maybe some nice chicken soup. (Mama Polt's Homemade Chicken Corn Soup is the BEST when you've got a rumbley tumbley, but none of that was available)

So for lunch I thought I'd go to a local deli, cause they make good sandwiches and have soup AND the sell papers as well. I got there and, as Murphy's Law would have it, no papers. So i drove to a nearby gas station and they had papers. but then I realized I only had like two dollars. So I went to the ATM there. I stood there for 2 minutes and 53 seconds while the machine chugged away until it let me know there were technical difficulties and could not process my request. Only then, as I was swearing under my breath, did Rita (or that's what her nametag said) yell from behind the counter, "That thing's not been working all day, HON!" Lovely.

I got a paper, and when i got to the register, through all the phlegm in her throat she managed to crack out "That be all today, HON?" I nodded, and handed her my dollar. The paper was 53 cents (crazy Maryland tax) and she hacked and coughed a bit before saying, "You got any pennies, HON, we're a little short on 'em today?" I shook my head wondering just how many packs of cigarettes she managed to smoke in a day.

I still needed money so I went to this bank branch right off the street and waited in line behind two cars for this drive up ATM. Yeah, I'll admit I wasn't really paying attention, but it wasn't until i got up to the machine there that I saw it wasn't an ATM but one of those things with the pneumonic tube to send stuff through to the tellers at the window. I looked at it stupidly, and the teller said across the intercom, "Can I help you?" I mumbled something about thinking it was an ATM. I heard her sigh over the intercom before she pointed and said, "It's on around the building." Yeah, great. At least once I GOT to an ATM I didn't have any trouble getting my money out, which the way my day was going was NOT a forgone conclusion!

So having the money to order lunch, I attempted to get back to the deli, BUT this entailed having to pull out to the left across two lanes of traffic. At 11:45 am. Without a street light. Yeah, like THAT was gonna happen. So I said screw it and just turned right when a hole appeared in the traffic. Giving up on the deli, I went to this privately owned sandwich shop in town: Freddie's. They got damn good subs, AND soup!

Once there, I ordered half a turkey sub with lettuce, mayo, and cheese and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I got it and returned wo work without a problem, naively thinking that perhaps my bad luck was over. Oh no. When i opened the sandwich, the lettuce was brown around the edges and there was no cheese, but there WERE tomatos, which I don't like. And the soup had a lot of broth and carrots and celery pieces...and about six little noodles. I just shrugged and figured "Yeah, for today, that's close enough."

The afternoon at work...oh, as I said I'll post about that later.

I'm over here at mom's cause they got some fresh corn out of the garden and we're gonna eat it right off the cob! I just hope I don't choke on a kernel of corn, or accidently inhale the cob and choke on that, or upset the pot of boiling water containing the corn on myself. But with the way it's going... I wouldn't bet against it.

POLT = listening to "Golddigga" by Kanye West on my iPod

Unhand me or I will remove your hands myself. At the wrist. - Nemesis, Alpha Flight #9

1 comment:

m_o_o_nspells said...

Sorry for the shitty day, sweetie...better luck tomorrow...