Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Did you long for the next distraction...

It is too freakin hot outside. I went downtown after work to get my weekly shipment of comic books (yes I AM a fanboy geek, thanks for noticing), and when i got back in the car, having been in the store only like 10- minutes, the temp outside was, according to the car, 102 degrees. Oh that's just nuts. That's crazy, stupid, insane nuts. I wanna just slap anyone who says they like summer. I wanna slap the hair right offa their head. I wanna slap 'em so hard, they'll starve to death rolling. I wanna slap 'em so hard, thier grandkids will feel it.

......the heat makes me irritable, deal with it.

I need something, a distraction, something to take my mind off of the heat. Just for a bit.

There. There we go. All is better now....

POLT = listening to something, but not having any idea what, cause he's seriously distracted....

"YOUR only responsibility is to your cock!" "Which is why I'm smiling and you're not." - Brian, Queer As Folk


katarina said...

That actually made me hotter.

Polt said...

yeah, but hotter in a GOOD way. :)