Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Play the lower, kid you softly like Robert...

Well, Robert got the heave-ho. No great surprise. But onto the notes I jotted down...

  • They're using thier moms! GREAT idea! I love it! Oh and Kors' mom too!
  • "Sometimes, the past needs to stay in the past." - Kayne
  • I LOVE Pam, Jeffrey's mom. She seems so...dignified, almost regal. How in the hell did something like Jeffrey spring from her loins?
  • The Internet buzz is true, Laura IS pregnant. WIth numebr 6?!?!?! At HER age?
  • "Sweet JeZUS!" - Robert
  • "She had the brightest colors and rhinestones on her shoes so I knew we'd get along." - Kayne
  • Jeffrey IS an ass. Recovering alcoholic. Junkie living on the street. Suicidal. That still doesn't allow you to be rude. Especially to someone sweet like her mom. He's just an ass.
  • The Nike commerical, with the female tennis player who I should probably know and everyone around singing "I Feel Pretty"...LOVED IT! I smiled all the way through it.
  • Daniel V, in a sportscar, at the piers. Now weren't the piers places where gay men hung out to hook up? And Daniel V is there? Yeah, THAT'S what I'm talking about!
  • Micheal in a yellow sweater vest...who knew ANYONE could pull that off?
  • "That's enough of a mindfuck to drive anyone crazy!" - Robert
  • "I'm gonna walk the runway like a model and embarrass Kayne." - Patricia, his mom. Love her, LOVE her...she reminds me, sorta, of Mama Polt
  • Collier Storng, the makeup guy, just FREAKS me out, what witht he bald head and acne scars. I know the guy can't help it, but he frightens me
  • What woudl I do on a $50,000 dream vacation? Two words, baby: Remingtons and Toronto!

Okay, now the outfits themselves:

Laura - Okay, but not terribly flattering and not her best work
Uli - Very love child/60's hippish, BUT it works for this model
Vincent - Very dignified outfit, very nicely done. If only he'd be on his meds when he designed more outfits
Kayne - Liked it. Looks like something she's wear.
Angela - Fringe is too much. Looks like something for someone in her 20's
Robert - Wasnt flattering and was boring
Michael - Looked like a stewardess or waitress. I don't like it at all (note: didn't like it anymore even after being told it was totally reversible)
Jeffrey - What was up with the collar? Horrible design. not at all flattering..on ANY model

Best - Uli, Vincent, Kayne
Worst - Jeffrey, Robert, Laura

Uli wins, Robert goes home. (I think Jeffrey had a worse outfit, BUT he's got much more drama potential than Robert, and the producers aren't gonna let him leave after he's made Angela's mom cry! He's this season's Santino!)
Well, I was batting 50-50 there this week, eh? I knew as soon as it got down to Jeffrey and Robert who was going, and for the reason stated above. It's a shame really. Robert's outfit wasn't exciting at all, but Jeffrey's was just a mess. Still, it's drama, not fashion that ruled the day once again.

And what's with Vincent winning??? Well, at least there's no immunity, so he can go home next week then!

POLT = listening to "Bad Reputation" by Freddy Johnston

President Bush has talked about leadership, but there is more to leadership than ordering an attack on a foreign country! - Charley Reese, Nov 27, 2004

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What will Kayne do without Robert? Although I think he has already moved on to Michael. Jeffery is an ass. He's had a rough life so he can treat others like dirt? I don't think so! Angelas mother wanted a different color. Isn't the most important thing to please your client? I think for one time they should give everyone of them the same exact color and type of cloth and see which one can design the best looking outfit.