Monday, April 17, 2006

Had fifths out, cookouts...

NOTE: I wrote this up last night and intended to post it then, but Blogger decided to be on the rag and not accept any photos that I attempted to upload. So I'm trying it now, to see if it works any better now.

Today, obviously, was Easter. That meant an Easter family get together. This year, at my uncle Randy's. I had to take my deviled eggs. I got up and had them done about 1100am.

As you can see, I went a little nuts with the paprika at first on the left, until I got a handle on it.

I saved one egg. My grandfather was big on family get together. Every Christmas Eve we'd all get together, have a meal and exchange gifts. And every Easter, we'd all get together and have a meal and then us kids would hunt eggs out back. Pap loved hiding them and watching us find them, even into his 70's, until he physically could not do it anymore, did he love hiding them. And he painted an egg for each of us grandkids. I got them well into my late 20's.

Pap died about 8 years ago, and it was clear he was the glue that held the family together. Some of his kids don't talk to others of his kids. Luckily, my mother remained out of it all, so she, my dad and I are welcome with all her siblings. But I don't believe all of us have actually been together in one place in a good five years or so, which is sad, as we were always real close.

Nontheless, because of his love of hiding the eggs, every year I save one egg, and take it to his grave. This year I just wrote a simple "Happy Easter Pap! Love you." And laid it there.

I know some animal will make off with it and eat it, but it doesn't matter. Every year, at Easter, at least Pap still has another egg like he always did.

ANYWAY, after this, I picked up mom and dad, and then gram, and off we went to my uncles. I didn't have the best time, as my cousin's step sons Zack and Kyle weren't there, they were with thier father. And I always have fun with them. Plus, I was feeling...tired and grumpy anyway. And it seemed a few other people were on edge as well. My white trash cousin Jaime was letting her son run wild, and yelling him for things she didn't need to. I mean,the kids' TWO, of course, he's gonna wander off. Just get up off your fat ass and go get him, don't just scream at him to not do whatever it is he's doing! My ultra-religious uncle Nick arrived with his family, and promptly disappeared to somewhere else to read his Bible. he only emerged from the room when it time to eat and say the blessing. he doesn't agree with the egg hunt, as that's not was Easter's him. Whatever. Mom and Dad were both not feeling well. Randy's wife Barb was a bit on edge, cause she's something of a clean freak (although i LOVE her to bits) and here was 14 people, including a bunch of rambuctious kids, running all through her house and yard. It just wasnt' as...FUN, as it has been.

Was kinda fun to watch the kids find the eggs, and the food was great too. And the people next door were having a cookout too, and they had a really HOT guy there, about 20 or so, with nice biceps, who later took off his shirt cause he was running around playing football and stuff. i could NOT get a good photo of him, but I did get many a nice view. And I got a little sunburnt on my face and arms. Uncle Polt does NOT do tanning. I burn and peel and burn and peel and burn and peel, ad nauseum. Basically, I've got the skin coloring of a snail's underbelly: white, pale, and slimy (okay, well, not slimy all the time...). Oh the food was good, and Mama Polt's fruit salal was out of this world, as usual. Oh, and I finally got to meet my cousin Faith's boyfriend Jason. he seemed nice. Not much to look at. Seemed a bit overwhelmed, but them, my family IS overwhelming, and I've been in it for 38 years! he's only been involved a year or two.

Anyway, after about four hours, we packed it up and headed home. It was nice to see the ones I liked, and it was nice to only be around the others for a short time. I just wish Pap was still here, he'd keep things together and it would be better.

oh well, if wishes were horses, no one would walk.

naturally, I got some photos as well:

This is Uncle Randy, our host, and helluva cook!

My cousin Tyreek. He's two. he was having some difficulty finding eggs, so I helped. Those ore my feet in the bottom of the photo.

Tyreek did find some on his own though.

My cousin Lexi, she's 5. She didn't have any toruble finding the eggs.

This is the party next door that I mentioned. The guy sitting int he chair on the right is the hot looking guy. Actually, the guy in the white long sleeved shirt kinda dancing on the left wasn't all that bad either. But this is the best photo I could get of either of them.

This is my cousin Corey. he's 7. He arrived late, we didn't think he was going to be there at all. He's proud of his hair, as it has blond highlights in it now. He thinks it's cool. I think he's a little young for highlights, but he aint my kid.

POLT = listening to "Crestfallen" by The Smashing Pumpkins

She passed the two boys bantering with each other, all long limbed , hectic flesh and very nearly obscene in those microscopic Speedos of thiers. - Paul Russell, The Coming Storm


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing a bit of your bunny day celebration with us. Family gatherings can be stressfull, but fun at the same time. I like that you give your "pa" an egg every easter, great way to remember him.

Have a good week buddy!


Anonymous said...

Happy Palm Sunday,

I'm surprised that your Greek uncle Nick didn't make a fuss since Greek (Orthodox) Easter is not until next Sunday for us of the old Greek traditions (like having several boys on the side as well as a wife and kids).

Also, wasn't it rather messy hiding all of those deviled eggs?? I would think the ants might have even started carrying them off. Didn't the kids get all dirty from the paprika and egg yolks? We usually just hide the Cadbury eggs which the kids aren't really in to. They're much less work than hard boiled eggs, let alone deviled eggs.

Happy Ether Bunny for next week, and for Monday Thursday (never understood why they call it that) and "Good"(?!?) Friday (apparently suffering in great pain even before being nailed or tied or whatever to a cross is supposed to be good and cheerful (but not gay)).

Fairy Farty Godfather

Polt said...

Nick isn't Greek Orthodox, he's more like far right, ultra conservative Southern Baptist.

Yes, the kids hands got messy with the deviled eggs, but isn't that what Easter is all about? :)

And Happy Greek Easter to you, my friend.