Thursday, April 06, 2006

I feel the need to be naked with you (week 4)...

This week, I promise to be less...gross in the photo I post. And of course there's a story behind the photo (I have a story for nearly any and all occasions).

I have a pretty good sense of direction, although not all my friends would agree. So, when they're not sure where we are, and express concern that maybe I've led them astray, I just tell them, "I know this like the BACK of my hand!" This could be anything from walking around downtown DC or Toronto, driving to Toronto or out of downtown Baltimore after making a wrong turn, etc, etc, etc. They just need to worry less. I mean, I've never been lost in my life. Momentarily misplaced, sure, but lost? Nah, never.

heheh, and if you'll look closely, you'll see this map extends from my home near the Maryland border up to Toronto. Driven there 11, 12 times, takinga few different routes. Get lost, pffft, silly people.

POLT = listening to "7 Minutes" by Circle Square

I guess nobody ever said being the world's savior would be easy. - Henry Bendix, Monarchy #5


Michelle said...

LOL men never get lost! HA!! SO, whats the connection between Baltimore and Toronto that takes you back and forth so much? :)

HHNT!! ;)

The Persian said...

How creative is that!! I wear a ring on my middle finger also.

Happy HNT :)

LushlyMe said...

Hmmmm it appears that you are flipping off my hometown! (Not that you could have known that) HHNT!

Leesa said...

Funny :) HHNT!

Polt said...

Chelle: not lost sweetie, as I said, momentarily misplaced. Toronto, I LOVE Toronto, that's all. I want to live there eventually. And I don't live in Baltmore, but it's a place I drove to and got, momentarily misplaced.

Persian: I thought you're was more creative....but I don't look like you, so we get my hand. ;)

lushlyme: Never my intent to flip off anyone. You from Buffalo, maybe?

Verification Word:gmmys

Mike said...

Im terrible with directions. Happy HNT