Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'll show you how to walk the dog...

My parents left today for Freeport in the Bahamas. They'll be returning on Monday. Funny story: Their plane was to leave BWI in Baltimore at 900, fly to Charlotte NC. Then they'd switch planes and ride that one all the way to the Bahamas. Mom called me today at work about 920. I said hello, she said hello, and I asked if she was in the air.

"No," she says. "We're in the plane, sitting on the runway. Seems Bush is flying into Charlotte and there's nor planes in or out." I asked about thier connecting flight. She said, "They said our connecting flight would be delayed as well, so we shouldn't have a problem making it. But if he makes me miss my plane, and I run into him in Charlotte, I'm just push him down!" I had to laugh. "he's my least favorite person anyway," she continued, "so i guess this is just ANOTHER reason I can have to not like him!"

Anyway, with them out of the country, that leaves me to take care of thier dog: Angel. Just about the time I started this blog last year, they went on a bus trip to Mount Rushmore, and it was during that time that i discovered Angel had a second name: The Poopinator! My GOD does she poo. She's only a 13 pound poodle, but during the ten days they were gone, I know she shit out twice her body weight! I just can NOT imagine such a small creature could produce that much feces!

Yes, that's her, looking all innocent and fun loving, but don't let it fool you. Behind that sweet looking smile and cute doggy exterior lies a living, breathing pooping machine!

POLT = listening to "Feelgood, Inc" by The Gorillaz

It's just not sex without something up your butt. - Emmett, Queer As Folk

1 comment:

Polt said...

I'm not sure that would have mattered to my parents. And I know they're not going there again, as Mom said they're too old to go out of the country again (63 &66). She said all thier trips will be on bustrips now.