Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Flip-flops?, i'm starting to panic...

Obama's comprehensive energy plan included several different things, including telling people to make sure their tires were inflated and their engines properly tuned.

McSame and the Republican latched onto just the tire inflation part of it, and mocked him over the last few days, saying that inflating your tires won't help the energy crisis. In actuality, proper tire inflation to decrease energy consumption and thus reduce demand is promoted by NASCAR, AAA, and even Bushie's own Department of Transportation. It's truly seems like what Obama said yesterday, "Now two points, one, they know they're lying about what my energy plan is, but the other thing is they're making fun of a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent. It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant."

Now, in addition to NASCAR, AAA, FDOT, and Obama someone else has joined the voices for tire inflation: John McCain! Last night, he said that he thinks tire inflation is a good thing. He's now agreeing with what he mocked just a few days ago!

Where is the media? Obama says, as part of larger comprehensive energy reform plan, he would support off shore drilling, and suddenly, the media's all over him for flip-flopping. But McSame is now for tire inflation, when just two days ago, he was against it, mocked it, and repeated it numerous time, and yet no one, NO ONE, in the media has called hima flip flopper?

And Obama is the one getting overly favorable media coverage? Only in the minds of far right wingnuts. Course, it's nice to know there's something in their minds after all.

POLT Listening to "Blue Monday" by New Order Oil: 118.83 (+.39); Gas: 3.80 (-)

I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to classes.


Anonymous said...

Be prepared!
McFrail is going to have many many many senior moments between now and the time he keels over and buys the farm. The media stopped paying attention to senior moments (think Jesse Helms) long ago.

Obama, however, is several years younger than me and, therefore, subject to all sorts of right wingnut media criticism. God, imagine if Obama said "axe" instead of "ask" like so many other people of his race. Or even if he said "nucular" like our current president. The media would be on him constantly about things like that.

Furry Godfather.

Anonymous said...

I have always read the the tire inflation thing, but you know that the our dear mechanic at work told me that is not true!!!