Tuesday, August 12, 2008

When I was twelve, at summer camp (Part 13)...

12 Of 12, August 2008 edition

The rules for this are HERE.

This is my new daily ritual, taking my blood sugar. As you can see, today it was 231. And that is WAY too high. I'm working on getting it down, as well as my weight. But seeing a level this high does NOT put me in a good mood for the day.

I was running late, which is usual for me. I didn't have time to eat at home, so I stopped and got the 'breakfast of champions': Tastykake Cherry Pie and a bottle of 1% milk. And I ate it on the way to work.

Lunchtime. Today, I decided to eat at work, and I got the meal the cafeteria was offering: Chicken breast sandwich and fries. And yes, despite how it may look, that is supposed to be a chicken breast. I put the ketchup and mayo on it. It was....I'll say yummy, but we all know that's not true.

I left work, and as I walked across to parking lot, I decided to get a photo of Miss Cleo, my car. And there she sits, totally unfazed by the SUV next to her. She is NOT impressed with gas guzzlers.

Wednesday is trash day on my street. So my first chore upon getting home was gathering up the trash and getting it out to the curb.

Mom was having me over for supper. As soon as I got in the door, I was greeted by Angel and one of her toys, which she insisted I play tug-of-war with. She does that everytime I come inside.

This was my supper: hamburger, corn on the cob and ginger ale (not diet ginger ale, I know I know...). I LOVE corn on the cob, especially when it's big, thick, touch kernels. I love it, drenched in butter and salt.

And this was the remnants of my meal. Can't show you any of the burger, cause I ate it all, but yeah, all four ears were mine. Mom had one, and some soup, that's all she wanted. But damn, that was some good corn.

And following a delicious meal fo delicious corn comes the unsightly, but totally essential, ritual of picking the corn out of your teeth.

After the meal, and some talking with mom, I came home. I intended on watching the Olympics again tonight, and they run late, so I got a shower early to wash all the 'oogies' off and allow me to settle in for the evening. This is me on the other side of the shower curtain.

After the shower, but before the start of the Olympics, I sat down to page through my just-arrived spanking new issue of National Geographic.

And finally, relaxed on the sofa, freshly showered and with my feet propped up, I turned on the TV and watched those cute American (and many cute foreigner) young men in the Olympics.

And now, I'll wrap up posting these so I can get back to watching the games, and see if Phelps wins his record gold medal.

POLT Listening to the Olympics

Remember, my people, there is no shame in being poor, only in dressing poorly. - Zorro, The Gay Blade


Stephen R. said...

You cutie! I love that your car is named "Miss Cleo." That's the best!

Anonymous said...

When they showed the direct shots of the male swimmers with their caps and goggles on I couldn't help but think of Q-bert. It was not a flattering angle.

Bunny said...

231 is your FASTING glucose??? Dude! Dude. You need to eat better and get some exercise. Do you take a glucose lowered med or insulin before bed? If you do it may be too high a dose (just work with me here - it makes sense). If you take a bedtime med and it lowers your glucose too low during the night, your body will rebound and overproduce glucose from your liver to counteract it. That can result in a fasting blood glucose that's much too high. Or you could just have a high glucose when you go to bed that never goes down. Are you taking a bedtime reading? You should, to figure out what's going on there.

And guess what? A cherry pie isn't the way to fix a high blood sugar!!!!!

I'm not trying to be a bitch, I just don't want to see you lose a limb or your LIFE to diabetes.

Hugs, babe.