Thursday, August 14, 2008

We want a righteous invasion of truth, we want...

"In the 21st century nations don't invade other nations."

John McCain actually said this. Honestly. Without any sense of irony. And perhaps without any memory of what else has happened in the 21st century. Maybe someone needs to remind him that the US invasion of Afghanistan and totally unprovoked US invastion of Iraq happened in the 21st century.

They say the memory is the first thing to go as one gets older, right?

POLT Listening to "The Beginning Is The End Of The Beginning" by The Smashing Pumpkins Oil:115.04 (-1.41); Gas: 3.66 (-.01)

RealClearPolitics Poll Average: Obama +4.2

There is something so primally serene about standing in a pitch black room full of anonymous hunks and waiting for your pupils to dilate. - Sterno, Wendel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA!! I'm gonna have to watch Fox News Sunday to see how the panel reacts to this Georgia news. Particularly that War Fetishist Bill Kristol. I love that crazy man.