Tuesday, August 05, 2008

To the translators of the interplanetary funk code...

Can anyone explain this one to me?

The military is so short on Arabic translators for use in the Middle East, they're offering bonuses of up to $150,000 to any Arabic translator if they stay or sign up.

And yet, they've discharged 300 gay Arabic translators due to the moronic "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

By my calculation, that's 45,000,000 dollars in just bonuses that's we'll have to spend to cover the 300 we discharged.

Why are we paying people to stay who don't want to, but yet dismissing people who want to stay?

Are we really saying that our military, our administration, our national policy is that we're MORE afraid of gay Americans in the military than we are of Middle Eastern terrorists.


POLT Listening to "Love Spreads" by The Stone Roses

I inherited the war on drugs from a president who inherited it from a president who inherited it from a president before that. I'm not a hundred percent sure who we're fighting but I know we're not winning. Ten years ago we spent five billion dollars fighting drugs and we did such a good job that last year we spent 16 billion. Sixty percent of federal prisoners are in jail on drug charges as opposed to two and a half percent that are there for violent crime. We imprison a higher percentage of our citizens than Russia did under Communism and South Africa did under Apartheid. Somewhere between 50 and 85% of the prisonpopulation has a drug or alcohol problem. We've tried 'Just Say No', I don't think it's going to work. - President Bartlet, The West Wing


Stephen R. said...

You said it, baby! This post is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

P.S. Your current wallpaper is FINE!!! Yum!!! Where'd you find that boy? :)

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail right on the head.
They are definately terrified of gays...in the military or anywhere else for that matter. That's what phobias are all about. Fear of something.

Furry Godfather (ex-military with honorable discharge)